Thursday, July 3, 2014

Dream interpretation that appears cough

Dream interpretation that appears cough .When a cough dream means that you will enjoy good health, you will not have any difficulty in future, but also means good luck in all projects that start as and success in work and family life, more energy and vitality to carry out all final.

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But the dream can cough be due turn, prevents and want to say something but you do not panic or come words, you choke and can not find the right language to communicate, but it is perhaps because of frustration, a inconviente.
Cough dream can be translated as a need of recovery, given that when you cough you somehow fix the voice but often it is in close contact with an obstacle, something that we put in the way and not allow us to move forward, keeping us in place until we are able to solve the problem.

Dream interpretation that appears in the urine

Dream interpretation that appears in the urine . When urine dream means that you get good health and if you dream of urine that reaches a fountain means you'll lose wealth. When you dream of throwing urine means that you will have to annihilate the enemy and if you dream that you urine means that someone will do a favor. When you dream urine dries mean you paste a disease and if you dream of urine spread out and wet a wall means you have two children.


To dream of your urine which rises up means that your son has a great personality, excellent, and when you see someone in a dream means that he urinates banish all evil in your life. Meanwhile urine dream foretells good health and children and if you dream pee in bed means you get welfare in all respects.
If you dream about peeing the bed means you get a great penny profit, your business will go well and the ancient Persians were of the opinion that when urinates in bed dreaming that this heralded a great offense.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Dream interpretation in which there is a nail

Dream interpretation in which there is a nail .Interpretation of Dreams in which there is a nail. When you dream of a nail means poor health, hopes you will be cheated. To dream of a nail is not cut high mean hopes, illusions, they will be empty. To dream that you eat a nail means that you will have much trouble. If you dream of wearing long nails means that you have the glory and if they are broken dream means that you get hurt, you lose something important.

On the other hand when you dream that you lose your nails means that you will have troubles and if you dream that you rip it means that you have a lot of trouble and pain scale. Fingernails in a dream also represents the argument of scale and if you just look at the nails in your dream means that your health is shaky.

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When you dream that you are very beautiful fingernails in a dream, have a manicure well done means that you should try to cut back on expenses and if you dream that you cut your nails means that you will join those who want to work for the good of the community. When you dream that you paint your nails with red nail polish means that you gain the contempt of people and if you dream your nails very hard, meat, means that over time you will have a lot of trouble.

It is said that when you dream nails strong and well defined means that you will have money earning and Egyptian tradition believes that when you dream that you break or bend a nail means that you will have riches but harmony in the home and good luck in love. It's the same symbol and dream that you fingernails very long.

When you dream that you fingernails very short, can symbolize the fact that you will have conflicts, a number of arguments with loved ones, the enemies of knowledge, especially if you dream that you cut them very much. When you dream of a single nail, Persian tradition, the dream is a hope unfulfilled.

Dream interpretation in which there is a shadow

Dream interpretation in which there is a shadow . Interpretation of Dreams in which appears a shadow. When a shadow dream means that you will find a protector and if you have a large shadow dream means that someone important will help, will give special support will help you progress and get where you never even dreamed , if you did not shadow dream means doing nothing to help, that what you have accomplished so far is tiny, insignificant little value without you struggle in vain just because you have not chosen right path in life and nothing you do not do it with pleasure.

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If you dream of a little shade and accomplishments mean you dream small and if you have a large shade means you'll soon have more spiritual fulfillment and material that will propel a higher position on the social ladder.




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