Saturday, August 23, 2014

Dream interpretation in which there is a wheel

Interpretation of Dreams in which there is a wheel. When you dream of a drive means you'll get a great joy to a loved one close. It is said that the dream portends wheel and the road that you go with people you do not know them very well but you will understand them.

Volan, Foto:
From the psychological point of view if you dream a wheel on a car means that you are a fit man, you can handle any situation, you master you, you are able to make your own way, to make decisions by yourself, you are ambitious and full enthusiasm, nothing can give back, because after all "steering wheel pa your hands."
Dream in which there is a wheel but it also interprets according to movements you make them so translating directions and you'll get in real life. Thus we can say that if you stuck wheel in the dream means that you have stagnation especially in relationships with others, not even manage to communicate constantly and effectively, take only the bad roads, make inappropriate choices, you feel stuck in terms of mentally and feel like you have no where to go, you're confused. Wheel but can also represent your relationship with others especially people who apparently your lives, here comes the boss work of parents, spouse, etc.

If you dream of a dress with ruffles down means you're a man without character, you have no imagination, indulge in little things, you try to create a better reputation but everything is in vain just because you're fake and shortly those around you begin to read, to figure out what you're made.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Dream Interpretation in flight appears

Interpretation of Dreams in which flight occurs. Flight in general, is impossible for man in real life with their own strengths, so without a point, is the symbol of ascension, the desire to escape the routine of everyday worries of daily weights, so the dreamer has the required run , distraction, but interpretations are much larger, depending on the position of the flight, according to the feelings created during sleep or function objects appear.

Zbor, Foto:
Flight also represents victory over adversity, so you get over the inconvenience of life and if you dream of a seagull in flight means that the future will avoid the trouble reserving your only joy. In Romanian interpretation of dreams is said that a dream involving flying is very good, positive, being the harbinger of a bright future, bringing honor and that the dreamer will be crowned the close, rejoicing and appreciation of the around.

Even when you dream that fly at low height, this dream foretells good financial condition. But it also said that if you dream about flying, or just float in the air, it is a sign that not all dreams and plans they have will come true and you have to be a little more realistic. In the same vein, if you dream to fly the plane, means that in the near future luck will be on your side and you see just a plane flying means that you will get updates from people you have not talked much time. If you dream of flying cranes means you'll be helped by knowledge area in finishing an activity that you can do yourself.

When you dream of flying is also said that you will live long and you will have a peaceful life. Experts believe that when you dream about flying dream because part of lucid dreaming, since it expresses a conscious state that provides a good feeling, fun, full of fun, humor, meant to relax. In the same vein, when you dream fly easily and have a clear look on what you mean are shown as stable master your life and manage to be superior to others in certain situations, with a distinct picture of life in general. It is said that when you master the flight of dreams, this ability is a strong personality, and if you fail to keep your balance means you do not you are able to handle life alone simply depend on others and try to be somewhere in between.

If your flight dream encounter obstacles mean that others stand in your way of happiness, some people you are evil, or do not have enough confidence in yourself and that you will not succeed. If the dream in flight feel a tremendous fear in real life means that you're afraid to persevere to get places, flying human being in a dream equivalent power to be anything or anyone. Of course this can only happen in a dream, the mind playing tricks on us, but it is said that often those who dream a lot like flies are strong people secure in their own power, which is expressed freely and not depend on anyone.

Flight of dream can occur to people who do not have the power needed to speak up, to impose an activity, especially in the workplace, which is why they dream up somewhere, so the flight can represent and personal frustration caused by self or others. Most dreaming that flies often are people really imaginative, creative, people who live in another world, not the real people who are wrapped, metaphorically speaking, with a world of fairy tales, and the that great purposes in life, not necessarily financially, but will help the company, which will change the living space. For those who really are afraid of flying, no matter what means the dream has a different interpretation and namely in life going through a difficult situation and should be loaded with more power to be successful. If you dream that you fly to the sky, slowly, it means that the future gives you more successful, you're on the right way, nothing can stand in your way and you're able to do anything without anyone to stop you.

If you're afraid to fly in a dream means that in reality are a fearful person, you are stuck in routines and activities that you impose on others and thus fail to progress. Some simplistic interpretation of the dream in flight appears limited to deeds that the dreamer will make harmonious relationships couple times.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Dream interpretation in which there is a stork

Interpretation of Dreams in which there is a stork. If you dream of a stork in the nest or in a field means that you need to prepare for a baptism or a wedding and if stork flying dream means you have a number of very encouraging activities that you will help the family. If you dream looks a nest, either full or empty, it symbolizes that there are many children in your life, not about fertility or rebirth. Some interpreter of dreams believe that when you dream of a stork, it is a sign of evil, all plans will take a serious turn and a stork nest appears in dream symbolizes trouble, trouble you may have with loved ones.
When you dream of as a stork flying overhead means you do not have nothing to fear, you will overcome all obstacles and when you dream of as a stork stand on the field means that someone in the family will marry for love. More storks that nest and will stay in April in a dream is that you will improve the financial situation, and a pair of storks symbolize all marriage in the near future someone or even the dreamer. If you dream of a wounded stork may have escaped trouble and if you dream of a stork standing still as a stone sheepfold, means that you will have a lot of trouble, even danger to the family. Can you look at a stork in your dream and you will receive an admirable means sweet words, ciineva will show affection and when you dream of a flying stork quickly means you really tired from work and therefore will not be able to you earn some extra fail to give yield. Several storks flying graduated in card also means that you will be surprised with many beautiful updates.

In other news, the stork in the dream may symbolize a new goal you want to define it in life, hold to target a different phase, but can also indicate that you will receive guests in the house that will not wait. Usually women who dream of a stork fear lest the dream stork pregnant but has no children about what is to come, it also represents health, or improve a problem, things take a turn for beautiful you have more energy and enjoy life more.

The ancient Greeks thought that a stork old must be fed chicken, be neat and so it is said that those who dream of a stork parents should remember to give them attention and even financial aid if they are very old. Stork flying harmoniously can symbolize the fact that we get an exaltation of mind, understood as evolving, we feel free, without constrageri, uncompromising, marched to a etaoa more mature, full of harmony and balance.

Dream interpretation in which there is a whale

Interpretation of Dreams in which there is a whale. To dream of a whale, especially if it failed on a beach, means that soon you'll get sick, you have to take better care of your health even if it looks like you're perfect, you have no sign of disease, it may come when you least expect or that a loved one may have serious health problems.
Also when a whale dream also means danger or misfortune which rises upon you because you are not cautious enough, you unconsciously in many cases, and if you dream of throwing the whale is also a new road, a new choice that you do, a goal that we will follow in life and when you dream of a whale swallowed means pass or you'll go through a desperate situation, for example you are on the brink of bankruptcy, you will remain unemployed , you will not receive salary for a disease or you are knowledgeable, very serious indeed.

Dreams tend to warn us so we should not panic but we must do so as to take measures to avoid the evil that may arise in our lives. Whale dream may also suggest the need for protection, that we need help but we can not possibly ask embarrassment or other reasons, we have feelings that overwhelm us, too big, we can not curb and burst when we do bad just nine.

Whale or orca dream so killer whale, if you mean that there will be a number of issues that we stressing, eating our energy, deplete us, causing us much anxiety and a real pain in the soul. Orca also can mean the lies that we are cheated, or apparent or people. When you dream of a huge whale mean they are making a lot of effort to achieve something, exaggerated everything and we get extreme feelings consume in vain. Whale fierce the dream suggests that we extend many traps must overcome many obstacles to get to something useful in life.

Dream interpretation in which there is a dragon

Interpretation of dreams in which there is a dragon. When a dragon dream means that you will get bad news from a person as he made a dishonest, a cheat or steal or lie just to hurt you. The dragon is also the archetypal symbol of virility and primordial, it being cold blood, in which it seems that there is no shadow of spirituality.
 The positive side is that dragon in a dream but looks like Beast of us will eventually be beaten by a good side, so the reason you first instinct, no matter how strong it may be, and if you dream that you are fighting with a dragon it means that you revolt against your feelings, you'll make your way to backtrack just to get away from you and not your fears.

In Artemidoros an ancient interpreter of dreams, a dragon is closely related to the treasures and riches, bringing to mind the personality situated at a great height, so we should expect a promotion or simply to advance social , or spiritual growth. Also in May predicts a dragon and dangers, especially if in the dream he provokes horror, counting very much state that gives us the presence of this creature in a dream.

If you dream it means defeat a dragon you will get a turn in the road, someone radically change your beliefs, opinions, even plans makes you become so that's your thing do not go well, and you in confusion, do step by step, but totally wrong. Dragon in a dream also may represent and magic, mysticism or that someone will make charms, curses on you, if you mean dragon chasing you fear without reason the expression, communication with others, and if it is a dragon with more heads then it means that you will receive the visit of important people or you'll have more luck with money.

Dragon dream also represents large enemies, evil men and evil influences will you, especially if you see it. The dragon, in another context, is often secret fears, phobias hidden things that you have not shown any people in your life no matter how close it is, you continue to keep them secret, but if you show up in dream with a dragon means that you should try to talk with someone more important, more experienced and of course you trust.

When you dream about a dragon follows you mean you lurks a great danger, maybe you fall prey to a scheming against you or be involved in an accident, or it may make reference to your love life if you dream about a dragon spitting flames means that you will be able to get involved in a love relationship that will grind you will devour her passion and jealousy that makes you feel, especially if you're a person possessive. Meanwhile dragon dream urges you face all your problems and you see your life, because no one knows you have to ruin the plans, no matter how influential or powerful they are. The Persians were of the opinion that people who dream big dragons or snakes, or other mythical beings will be maligned by others, perhaps detested and ugly.

Dream interpretation in which there is a baboon

Interpretation of Dreams in which there is a baboon. When you dream of a baboon, the dream can be a warning that you should change your behavior as the one you adopted in some circumstances is not exactly the best.
We have to take into account the fact that when baboon appears in the dream, it is a wild animal, very impulsive, he warned, and the fact that we should let the soul to express, not to frustrate us alone to give way to feelings, we descutasam mind and to express freely, to think on their own. It is advisable to be open, serene to others and not to wear masks, to no longer hide behind the fingers, especially in relation to loved ones or explicitly with the opposite sex.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Dream interpretation in which there is a hedgehog

Interpretation of Dreams in which there is a hedgehog. Hedgehog, no matter how cute he is, can be dangerous, but that does not mean it is a bad dream. Conversely when you see a hedgehog in your dream means that you will wait an adventurous journey even unexpected, but which will end well, or that you will be able to adapt in the face of situations entirely new to you. You will face some difficulties and you can keep in your chest that will evil men. If a knot hedgehog dream really means you want to have harmony, loneliness may want to be left alone.
Hedgehog in a dream also means good news, but unexpected, defeat enemies and also represents a struggle that will ultimately glorious, and business people who do not know, you can amaze. Hedgehog dream can symbolize a person of bad character who dreams of it being seen as a difficult man for others, do not know how to address or may be the need for protection to defend themselves, to be closes itself to not be hurt.

Some interpreter of dreams believe that hedgehog is a foreshadowing of the fact that you are a very confident person and others should stay away because they can harm and kill a hedgehog if you dream that means that soon you will learn and who is the person who tries to take advantage of the kindness you manifest. When you dream of a hedgehog that carries some means be used as a very aware that you have to move forward to fulfill their certain purposes and if it will sting a hedgehog dream means that you will be blamed for something you did not do.

Hedgehog can symbolize the fact that you will be able to have a better job, but you can be disillusioned with friends. On the other hand hedgehog dream can also mean that you are a humble person, very sensitive and that you are too involved in relationships with others.

Dream interpretation that appears antelope

Interpretation of Dreams in which appears a wildebeest. When you dream of an antelope, first of all we must remember the animal instincts of the wild, primarily because it is a wild animal antelope. It may be human grace, or the grace and gentleness of a dream man, referring to his character, if we think about how running antelope.
It is possible that this animal in a dream to give us a feeling of relief, float, especially if you dream as running, which may suggest that we manage to eliberm all worries. On the other hand, if an antelope hunt dreamed that means we're about to get our hands on a profitable or successful we have to work, but this situation is brought back considering that we achieve success based on vulnerable , of weak people, given that they are the hunted and we hunt, take advantage of the power that we have, to reach above matter over who should step.

If we dream that we dream antelope and predator chasing us means that we have many enemies or at least one who wants to make us much worse, trying to ruin our reputation or simply put us in a bad light at work or in relationships with loved ones.

Dream interpretation in which there is a black panther

Interpretation of Dreams in which there is a black panther has multiple connotations. Pantera dream may be the symbol of wilderness, the intolerance and lack of manners. Wild animals usually dream reveals feral side, our unpolished nature, irrational. You can see and symbols for words like "wild animal" or "gross" but also sombolurile color "black". However black panther dream can be seen as a premonition, as the feeling of great sorrow.

It can be associated with black cat and often it is the symbol of the devil, the devil, which predicts and many enemies, quarrels with others and unfortunate proportions. Some interpreter of dreams believe that black panther dream brings death and misery in many families. But it can be a very fierce enemy who is about to be prey to harm. If you dream of a cheetah chase or kill NEAR means that you will earn money in the future or that will increase your salary. They say that panther dream can be the symbol of a woman in your life that you wear much hate and who's about to harm you. But if it is a very hectic and hungry panther means you get a great achievement in the workplace, may be prmovat. To dream of a panther in a cage means that you no one can do any harm and you will be protected.

Dream interpretation in which there is a trout

Interpretation of Dreams in which there is a trout starts from the idea of wealth as fish generally means. However trout is a fish special, mountain, living in rivers clean, what can we suggest the fact that you will have a lot of joy, freedom and good financial condition in general.

If you dream of fishing for trout means that you will have many happiness but you work hard and suffer long before you will acquire, especially if you dream that you catch with a spear or a bat. If you dream of catching trout by hand means that you work alone all your life, you will enjoy support from those around you, you have someone to share your joys and sorrows but you have the satisfaction of their work. To dream that you eat trout means that you will have a lot of joy but if you choke on bones means you will suffer more to them, will have to do a lot of sacrifices. If you dream catch trout netting means that you will have many riches in life. To dream of dead trout means you paste a big luck on the financial situation. Here we report either on the job or salary, may receive a penalty that will sting or you may be penalized with extra hours at work. But they say that the dream is dead trout and loss of freedom and integrity.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Dream interpretation in which there is a partridge

Interpretation of Dreams in which there is a partridge can suggest the idea of ​​freedom. But if you break the neck of a dream that means you hurt a person sincere and open to you, a person who did not do anything wrong and that cares about you. To dream of a partridge flying means you are a modest man and liked by others for this. Birds flying in the dream suggests the idea of ​​freedom, openness to the world. When you dream, but a dream is dead partridge sign of big trouble in the family.

Dream interpretation in which the date

Interpretation of Dreams in which occurs once. When you dream of a specific date means you are warned that you forgot something, you miss something, even on a date, it may be a date that you can reprogram may be no courses that you forgot to go and also you can resume, but the fact is that if you dream that time it's time to think things over and see what you have overlooked that you can fix. On the other hand once the dream is the fact that you expect something very important in the future, it is possible to have some surprises or even finish something on time, or to be invited out on a specific date.
To dream of a fixed date, and it refers to a person they know is possible that you have forgotten its date of birth may have had to meet and have ignored other options. But once the dream is often perpetrated from your past, that melancholy and often think that you appear in dream may be about outstanding events, events that have passed and you have left an open wound, but it may be a process of anamnesis and (reliving the moments) triggered due to current events. Something in everyday life makes you remember something, thus reliving the whole experience through sleep.

Dream interpretation in which there is a horseshoe

Interpretation of Dreams in which there is a horseshoe refers most often to luck. Horseshoe dream with a clover often suggest a bright period in life, opportunity for big plans and achievable. If you dream you find a horseshoe game in a public place means that you'll get much luck in relationships with others, will meet only good people willing to help you, to support you, to give you their friendship and kindness. When you dream potcovesti a horse means that you take a trip helpful to you, you have to gain from a road. If you dream of gold horseshoe aio means that you will be rewarded for all the efforts you have made ​​in the past.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Dream interpretation in which there is a prize

Interpretation of Dreams in which there is a prize usually refers to the fact that you will be rewarded for everything you did. When you dream of taking part in a prize mean that someone will be present to increase the degree to work or you'll be rewarded for honors rendered.

 To dream that you are the winning means you will get more appreciation for the work. Awarding of the dream but also suggests that going to get to a higher stage of your life, you'll be pleasantly surprised by the completion of the previous one and you will have a chance to advance. To dream that you go to a premiere and you're not part of the patch means that you need to choose another path in life because you do not suit you.

Dream interpretation in which there is a port

Interpretation of Dreams in which there is a port often refers to the departure of long roads. To dream of a ship in port means you have to solve many urgent problems, and if you dream boat leaves the port means that you're about to fix them, take them to the very end. When a port empty dream means that you will lose your job and if you dream of a harbor full of people means multiple associations, it is possible to sign a new contract at work, have a new activity with strangers.

 When you dream that you leave the port means that you make a long trip for work and if you dream of going on a cruise ship in port roads means that you will make will be the passion for relaxation, one can speak here vacation or small trips with friends or family. If you dream of sitting in a boat harbor means or long stay in port means you safe on the job is something stable. If you dream of a ship or a boat sinking in port means you get a great trouble, bound all the work, but this is not out of the question but epic job loss pice to you a contract to fail in collaboration or to close a bad deal, in which you can only lose either money or associates or integrity and respect he had in front of people.




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