Sunday, November 30, 2014

Dream interpretation that appears xilographic

Interpretation of dreams in which there is a xilographic. Xilographic, so wood worker, who engraves wood printing clichés, can be the symbol of social standards, rules and conventions which must obey.


On the other hand, if it appears in the dream, working, perhaps to symbolize that we are trying to submit, at work, strict rules, we want to fit the patterns to work after pregnancy well drawn as are lack of initiative and imagination, we need to work after the other, after the orders given to them, depend on superiors. But, depending on the rest of the symbols that appear in dreams and depending on the facts Xilographic, so if you try to engrave something and do not succeed, it may symbolize and our refusal to fulfill our tasks at work according to strict rules because they seem meaningless. Also can interpret my dream and depending on the wood used, for example if it is a rotten wood, old, mean that the rules they have to follow are obsolete, requiring major changes in order to function, and if the wood is new, in a very good condition, which appears xilographic dream may symbolize that in our life or in the workplace we will draw new tasks, we will have new obligations and responsibilities.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Dream interpretation that appears photocopying

Interpretation of dreams in which appears photocopying. Xerox, exactly as it is and its general interpretation, so copying the table in a dream represent human need life insurance on all plans. On one side is the fact that we are trapped in monotony of daily routine at work, at home, in society, we are overwhelmed by feelings of boredom, there is nothing exciting in our lives and this is why we have capped or feeling of loneliness, of alienation from real life.


On the other hand, however, a photocopier in a dream may symbolize the fact that we want to do something several times to ensure that we do and to be, or that repeat an action until it comes out perfect or until you to please superiors.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Dream interpretation that appears yoga

Interpretation of dreams in yoga arises. Yoga is an entire mystical philosophy in which practitioners want to know themselves better, to deepen their feelings and to enter into a world of harmony, peace, spiritual, is also releasing the material world and reaching a perfect merging with the universal spirit, reaching and full mastery of his own body and knowing your own body, to be able to maneuver better.


When you dream that you are about to practice yoga or look at a devotee of this cult or even an expert yogi, all about the same symbol, namely wisdom, whether we adhere to it, whether it already holds. First yogi is the symbol of balance, calmness, he is a being superior in terms of spiritual, symbolizing his inner perfection and state that those who dream, aspire in real life. At the same time and can symbolize the need for peace, harmony with those around them and of course the need for spiritual perfection. The dream may symbolize that yoga appears therefore be looking for an inner balance or that you have already got there and now are ready to help and others. Meanwhile dream may symbolize and seeking new paths to follow in life, even if not always the easiest or most appropriate, but all involve an acute need control over their individualities, a concentration scale, with lofty goals with tendencies towards ideals, and the need to overcome alone capabilities, to progress.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Dream interpretation that appears in the letter Z

Interpretation of dreams the letter Z. The letter Z appears in the dream is that you are an innate leader, know how to act at work, know what decisions you should take, organize well and are able to support them and those of around.

On the other hand, the letter Z may look and dream that you are a person too full of it, make many excesses of zeal, having too much pride, or that will shirk the start of activities, a take on the ways most long to reach concrete results, but do it with tact, without others noticing.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Dream Interpretation appearing in rags

Interpretation of dreams in which they appear ragged. If you dream rags, torn clothes, means that soon you will improve your financial status, and when you dream dirty rags separately means that you will have a period when your health will play tricks. When you dream of clean rags, no matter how broken they may be means that you have much larger gains or increases your salary or receive a bonus. When ragged dream can also mean that a modest man can brighten your life and if you are giving rags you will have a lot of harmony and joy. Dirty clothes, rags, rags also means that someone hates you, you want evil, and you have no idea, considering that person your friend, and if you are the one who wears them and dream can represent and scams in the near future , disillusionment.


If ragged walk in a dream means that you know exactly who is your enemy and stay away from him. At the same time they say that the dream may portend rags and possible problems in the workplace, from superiors due to disobedience or new rules. Rags of dream can have negative connotations, depending on the condition that we create, causing anxiety in real life, anxiety. Some interpreter of dreams agree that when you dream rags and people look at you ugly reality means that you'll be a man respected especially because you have a beautiful personality, and if you dream that you talk to a woman who is dressed in rags means you have to give alms for the dead, or to do a good deed. When you dream of a child dressed in rags mean you have to try to be more tolerant of others and not to enter into controversy or heated discussions. You can see the symbol of the word "clothes".

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Dream Interpretation in which they appear dice

Interpretation of Dreams in which they appear dice. When dice this dream foretells that your family may be involved in a series of trouble, and if you are the person in the dream you roll the dice and just two in the near future means that you will have good luck but it will not be long for you, so you must be careful, be cautious.


Also dice look and dream that you drive only after chance, you are not able to take your own destiny in hand, to make decisions, symbolizing and certain situations that have multiple solutions or multiple pathways approach. Dream in appearing dice can symbolize the fact that you get involved in an activity that has many risks or playing with your destiny. Meanwhile dice can symbolize the fact that you manage to finish with a good plan that you started that you created difficulties.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Dream interpretation that appears scratched

Interpretation of Dreams in which appears scratched. To dream that you are scratched by a cat, you must be cautious because it is possible that spouse to deceive you, or will simply appear lively discussions with your loved one. The same thing applies if you dream a cat scratch namely that your partner is cheating on you.


Scratches in general, in a dream, it also means that you lied, someone betrays acquaintances will involve you in trouble. If people scratching dream means that you get the financial loss soon and when you dream about scratched the knee mean you have to prepare for a trip, because it's possible to go somewhere far away. When you face dreaming scratch means you'll be sad for a while, because you will suffer more because of friends. Scratches in the dream represents jealousy, malice towards achievements of others, the desire to be better to her burning passion for someone, need to be constantly on the defensive, the desire to achieve a goal too great.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Dream interpretation that appears Wallstreet

Interpretation of Dreams in which there is a Wallstreet. When you dream about having Wall Street investment means you have to take great care with the investments you make in real life.


If you dream that you are afraid to do any action means that it is possible to go wrong and have more to lose, especially the feeling of the dream, the way they make us feel is actually a warning the subconscious knows that nothing is certain and thus let you know, I warn you not to be hasty.

Dream Interpretation tagged letter X

Dream Interpretation tagged X point. The letter X represents the way we dream into reality so that if I dreamed this point means that we are full of creativity, but our life is seen in its many anxieties, in vain hopes, dreams that will not come true than very late, very concerned that we are fragile. The letter X in the dream may symbolize a great talent and you keep hidden or that I have not yet found ourselves a lot of intelligence that we should get a better value, more than trying to adapt accordingly social needs, better use our imagination as we have it fully and we rely on intuition because we have only tells us well.

Also when we dream a place or an object marked with the letter X appears high, it means that our mind is perfectly contoured order that hit the road, we have a lot of ambition, and to complete what we wanted and we a lot of perseverance, struggle with all our strength going in the right direction.

When we dream a place or an object marked with the letter X which is very small but dream portends a series of mistakes you can make, thus reaching a huge failure, which also means that we should be more cautious to we do not rush into decisions and the start of activities

Dream interpretation that appears Woofer

Interpretation of dreams in which there is a woofer. When you dream of a woofer, so a special device used to play low frequencies means that you will have some small annoyances, but they will pass with the help of friends and the support they offer it to you unconditionally. But, being an electronic device can consult and symbols for words "electric", "electronic devices".


We must not forget any essential aspect of this device which refers to the fact that he is playing. So Gad lead nne music entertainment, so this dream may also have significance, even if those little annoyances give us headaches. With the support of loved people and their good words, and we can feel good around them, even though it is not always a party. Low frequencies on this unit can play conjures the mystery, the unknown things everyone so that we can say that when a woofer dream also means it's possible to take possession of new information, which we aim confused because they require some thinking for better understanding and assimilation.

Dream interpretation in which there is a zebra

Interpretation of Dreams in which there is a zebra. Zebra know more dream interpretations. Interpreter of dreams Some believe that when we dream a zebra's possible to go on a journey to some friends that I have not seen much, but most often zebra by the two non-colors opposite black and white can symbolize the duality of our personality.


Another interpretation of the dream in which there is a zebra, especially if it is dead also relates to an acquaintance that will be part of imprisonment if committed an act ugly. It is said that when a zebra dream we must be careful who we socialize as it may be deceived persons who seem good but are actually very dangerous and if I dreamed a zebra who runs means that we will have disputes, we enter into polemics with loved ones. When a zebra driven dream to mean that it might not be appreciated for what you do and if you dream of a zebra sleeping means that you must be on the lookout because it is possible to have part of a disaster. A lonely zebra in a dream may symbolize the duality of feelings, confusion of the soul.

They say that if you dream of a zebra is possible to have some fun with family, can make a little trip in the near future, especially if you leave. Zebra dream may symbolize the fact that the dreamer is one who benefits from plenty of reason, discernment, can see things as they are, do not be deceived by appearances. Zebra dream can be and pedestrian crossing, so not only animal, which means that they must follow certain rules, either at work or in society, we have too much freedom, we control, which causes some frustration in everyday life. Zebra dream may symbolize the fact that we are able to combine business with pleasure, beauty with ugliness, accepting both good and bad in life, trying to live in balance.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Dream interpretation in which there is a wall

Interpretation of Dreams in which appears a wall. When you dream of a wall means that you will fulfill all your dreams and you will live long and you will be healthy, but only if you see yourself by building it because otherwise it is a drag that comes with a big trouble. When the dream of building a house, too, is a sign of happiness. If you dream of sitting on a wall means you are the master of your own life, you're stable and you go well at all levels, have better living conditions, in all areas, financial, social, love. When you dream of a series of crumbling walls, torn down, does not know how to properly appreciate those around you, it's possible to be too easily manipulated, which will create problems and when you dream see huge walls that impede your view means that you will be involved in heated discussions with loved ones. They also say that the wall dream represents a reckless love and if you dream up a wall may also be a bad sign, considering you put one obstacle in life. To dream of knocking down a wall means that you are not a stable person, you have many troubles in life due to this fact, already demolished a wall in a dream represents much trouble and if you dream of a house wall, so a home that is built entirely means that you will have a loss.

A demolished wall of a fortress can symbolize death and if you dream a wall around which are water means that you lose the support of important people. If you dream that you go slowly on a low wall, narrow means that life will bring you troubles, perhaps even losses, the same meaning and a wall collapses. On the other hand, a wall collapsed already can symbolize your victory on a weight at work and if you dream jump over a wall means that your future is bright, you will not have problems. When you dream thinker sit on a small wall means that if you have patience you will be able to do a lot in life, and if you dream climb a high wall means that someone loves you in secret. On the other hand, if you dream that you climb the great wall of weights without means that you will go well at work. Wall dream may symbolize that we feel isolated and alone. You can check and symbol for the word "wall". If a woman dreams that hides behind a wall means that the choices they made in life make her feel ashamed, and if dreams of a big wall climb means that choices will make them feel fulfilled. On the other hand, if a very young woman dreams of walking along a wall means that it is very attractive but for this lodge too much effort, even if others appreciate it.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Dream interpretation that appears Whiskey

Interpretation of dreams in which appears Whiskey. When you drink whiskey dream means that you will submit many efforts at work and you will not be appreciated properly, you may not get paid at all or very little, especially if we consider that whiskey is a fine drink for gallant men, in reality it is only the modest aspiration, very much struggling to reach a certain point, but it does not recognize one merit. When you dream about someone who drinks whiskey means that in reality you will be able to collect more intellectual knowledge to help you progress.


If you drink so much whiskey dream means that you will have bad luck in relationships are going to law because the people you'll meet will want only to have to gain from you. Dream whiskey consumed in excess is of course a state of bliss, so you can see and symbols for other words like "alcohol," "alcohol," "drunk," "drunk," "drunk" etc

When you drink a little whiskey dream means that you have the strength you need to go out as the end all problems to finish your projects, both those in work and those at home. On the other hand if you dream that you look at a bottle of whiskey and want to drink, but you can not but you can not help it means that in real life fall prey to vices, you are a weak man, you can not control or abstain from nothing and that will lead to a life descumpatata what it will cause a series of misfortunes, the gaps perhaps you get to be very poor, because you are wasteful and do not know his temper you have penatru expenses later. To dream that you mix whiskey with other beverage means that the plans we have not succeed, do not take a form, just dreams.

To dream that you drink whiskey and it leaves a bitter taste in reality means that it is possible to have health problems, and if you feel the smell of whiskey in the dream means that you will have a joy that will last but very little. Interpreter of dreams Some believe that when you dream drink expensive drinks means that you will have positive aspects in life and whiskey is considered to be one expensive drink we can say that will bring in real life some moments of glory and joy but everything is debatable and depending on the scenario in which we appear.

On the other hand, however we can also refer to the fact that whiskey can bring wealth in real life if you dream of course but not many friends especially when you're rich and famous certainly many enemies and people who want to you harm. They say that when you dream that there is a whole bottle of whiskey in hand means that in reality you have to see your affairs to take care of to keep your own plans and more time for you to lead your activities to finish. Try to channel your energy so you see you and then turned to him in May of helping others if you do stay a while.

Dream interpretation that appears day

Dream Interpretation Tagged day. If you dream it's your birthday means you will have health, you'll be able to rest more, living in peace and harmony with others. When a living dream means that you have unannounced guests that but enjoy.


When in a dream you remember a birthday means that you know much about the person next to you and thus overwhelm your affection. Also, if you dream of a bat that flies by day, what is neobisnnuit means enjoy a stable life, full of safety and if the dream that is daily after night, means that all your plans begin to bear fruit. A birthday in a dream may symbolize a skill that we have not yet discovered and that we can use in future to be more successful in life.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Dream Interpretation Tagged Zoo (Zoo)

Dream Interpretation Tagged Zoo (zoo). When you dream of a zoo or wildlife more together interpretation may refer to everything that lives, since animals are spirit, a kind of living. Meanwhile refers dream zoo and wild side of man, to everything that animal instinct refuland reason. Also there is a dream zoo can also be interpreted according to each animal in which the dreamer sees, for example if it is more foxes, these are inventions symbol and if it is then it means more power bison . If you dream that you are walking through the zoo and see many wild animals agitated means that you really need freedom of expression passions.

A zoo with ostriches means that it is possible to have part of a series of problems at work, but which will be solved soon enough. Interpreter of dreams Some believe that wild animals are being kept closed dreamed so the zoo bring only trouble and misfortune in real life and if you dream of just one animal of each species then possibly be and dream signs positive. Visit the zoo and the dream may foretell a future full of uncertainties, but a future that blends with misfortune luck but if it zooligica dream garden can focus in real life and on the rules that you should follow and the character that should have him in some situations, while also highlighting the way we life is driven by others or the way we conduct us.

Another interpretation of the dream in which there is a zoo also relates to the fact that you meet new people that will be of great help in life and if you dream that you want very much to go to visit the zoo means you get successful on all levels and for this reason it may even be his first on the job, most appreciated and envied at the same time. Zoo may portend the fact that you have to try to keep certain social conventions as you can to come out victorious in some issues of life.

Dream Interpretation were the smile appears

Interpretation of dreams tagged smile. When you are very smiley dream means that in the near future you will have tribulation, but if you have a serene smile, it foretells that you will be spared the disease, you will not have health problems. Smiling in dream is usually a good sign and when you dream a toddler or a baby will smile means it will go well in all areas, you will not have cause for grief but when you dream that smile, even laugh in moments which have to give proof of seriousness will mean that future is pretty bleak, you will have bad luck, more frustration, which can lead to a stage of life full of isolation, anxiety and panic much any activity that you take.


The fact that you have a good mood in a dream, you are happy and that can mean in real life let go of constraints are honest with others, and this can not only bring good and profitable relationships at work and in social life . At the same time you dream serene smile on your face and may portend great progress in life at all levels, it is caused by the same inner state area, but also the need to relax the need of separation routine that will filled with optimism and self-confidence will.

They say that if you dream about someone smile full of friendship means that you receive news that are not pleasing to you, that will cause much worry and if someone with evil smile means that you make a series of reckless acts that can harm you at work. When you dream that smile of joy means that you will meet someone who will bring you bad news, or you will have a meeting just not enjoyable.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Dream Interpretation That appears in the bit

Dream Interpretation Tagged an curb. Curb dream can occur either as bumps that often comes from people in the corner of the mouth or lips cows or metallic object that is inserted into the horse's mouth when it is harnessed.


If you dream that you have a curb means that in reality you foolish passions, tend to debauchery, and predicts what it should be tempered. The dream may be being interpreted in another sense, namely the fact that excesses do, taste too much of everything or you can give life to the fullest exhausted from work.

Dream interpretation in which there is a fairy

Interpretation of Dreams in which there is a fairy. Fairy magic and dream is a symbol of purity, the charm and the protection When you dream that turned into a fairy mean you have to act according to others, to listen to their advice not to make a mistake. Fairy is the symbol of a good financial state and fortune in life can be explained only dream about the rest of the symbols that appear. If you dream that you will reserve life fairy means that only joy and you will be spared the trouble. On the other hand, if in a fairy dream appears also means you want to be isolated in an imaginary world, full of fantasy, where you feel safe and do not want to give chest with reality, especially if you have many problems , want to run just waiting for everything to be resolved by itself.


Fairy dream may symbolize and need to get help, because in reality you are a very influential person, childish and are not able to make decisions by yourself, are not based on the capabilities that you have no trust in yourself . Fairy dream may symbolize the fact that you are a person who believes in superstitions, in magic, simply rely on fate, without taking any action to live your life. Fairy can represent the soul and females in your life, so you need to remember the rest simblurilor for better interpretation of the dream, but broadly it can be explained by the fact that you need advice mother of his wife, of grandparents, they are more experimentation or having a better intuition.

It is possible that when a fairy dream, to have part and many happy stories that can make you see life with different eyes. On the other hand, if a fairy bad dream mean you have to eliminate a negative thought, you change on one point because it does not work properly and a sad fairy dream may symbolize a future with many shortcomings, either financial or emotional . Another interpretation of dreams in fairies may be occurring and that in which we unite with nature, feel the need for release secular parties, in order to merge with the universe.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Dream interpretation in which there is a latch

Interpretation of Dreams in which there is a latch. When you dream of a latch means it's possible to have part of a series of activities in which you have not more involved, full of unexpected or you will find information that will fail to amaze. If there are more bolts dream then means you have to make more effort to reach concrete results and that you can eliminate suspicions.


They also say that when you try to latch a door in a dream means trying to hide something or leave something behind, or a bad deed or an aspect of character that will not help at all, it can be worn even feelings a person about whom you realized that not worth it. On the other hand, a latch in a dream may symbolize the fact that someone is hiding something, or to protect ourselves or to make us sick. Latch the dream can be understood as an obstacle to our happiness, but if it is drawn may symbolize that everything will be favorable in the future.

Dream interpretation in which there is a zero

Interpretation of Dreams in which there is a zero. When we dream a zero or a number it contains, means that we can achieve our goals if we know who to collaborate and if we persevere. Zero in the dream symbolizes the fact that we can not handle ourselves in an activity, you have to have partners, especially because we do not appreciate our true value.


Zero can appear like a circle, and if you dream that occurs more than zero means that you feel useless, and therefore tend greatly to retire from important issues, isolate yourself from the rest of the people who have power, you let them lead. On the other hand zero dream may symbolize the fact that we are at a new beginning, a take from scratch, trying to do everything right this time, since previously I goofed, which led to a great misfortune. As I said, zero can occur in the form of a circle which symbolizes the universality, perfection, the trend toward all that is mystical and absolutely perfect spirit.

Dream interpretation that appears crush

Interpretation of Dreams in appearing to crush. When you dream crush something or see something broken dream means that in reality you feel trapped in a hopeless situation, you pressed the circumstances are tense because you have to try to make a decision no longer be delayed.


Things crushed dream also shows that you are kidnaps of freedom, being forced to follow a strict set of rules, or maybe you have more obligations to fulfill and that causes you panic. Also this dream symbolizes that you are short of time, you must hurry to finish something you started long ago.

Interpretation of dreams in which noise occurs.

Interpretation of Dreams in which noise occurs. When you dream something noisy times seems like a sound sleep and in the morning you remember means that you engage in disputes with colleagues at work or friends. It is also said that if you dream you hear noises from unidentified places means that you'll be able to pay off debts that you grind for some time.


Also noise can dream portend a surprise, be it pleasant or unpleasant, or even trouble you do not plan to, no matter how good our life apparently. Meanwhile noises can look and dream that we are not able to turn our attention to the really important things, we can not focus properly, create our own obstacles due to the fact we do not know to have control over their lives, we fear of failure and eventually we will get there even if we do not take the necessary measures. It is said that when a woman specifically dreaming a strange noise she will get a big inconvenience in life, caused by a breakup, a loss.

Dream interpretation in which there is a kite

Interpretation of Dreams in which appears a kite. When in a dream you see a kite in the story means that you will have malice from those close, maybe even do something against your will greatly affect you and if you see a paper kite means that you will have honor, you will appreciate those known for being a person of value. If this is a paper kite and is built of a child means that in the near future you will have only the joys and beautiful things. To dream of a broken kite paper falling from the sky means that you will have problems at work and when you dream a paper kite that floats means you'll be able to get over all difficulties and you will be happy after you meet some difficult tasks . Meanwhile kite paper in dream symbolizes the fact that we want to be free of constraints, we want to dream and be more serene, forgetting all such conventions life. Meanwhile a kite in a dream may symbolize the fact that others will appreciate what we have, the true value they have.


The kite can be a symbol of new activities you undertake, new chance in life. When reading stories with dragons dream that means your life is too monotonous, too boring, and if you dream that you play on the field with a kite means that other people will not trust you, you will not meet. A kite in the forest can symbolize that you will enjoy adventure stories and if you dream that you are trying to make a kite toy does not put emphasis on the issues that matter in life, you are too superficial. When you dream of a kite story and frustrating it can symbolize a fear of something, maybe even what you is unknown. A kite toy can show that you are a child and you are led by the strongest but feel and need to be free.

They also say that when we dream a kite in flight must try to be more gentle and more tolerant, not to use force in our actions or we want to run away from responsibilities and be kids again, without a care.

Dream interpretation in which sugar appears

Interpretation of Dreams in which sugar appears. If you dream of sugar means that you have a good relationship with your spouse or boyfriend / girlfriend, but at the same time may represent a spirit and avaricious, greedy. If you dream that hold sugar in hand means that a close friend or an acquaintance you cheat, you betray the trust, and if you dream that you are at the store and want to buy sugar means that the near future will be to your liking, you will not lack for nothing .

When you appear in your dream means that you are eating sugar only around fake people that will flatter with false compliments thinking of getting something to their advantage, and if you receive a gift from someone sugar means that the person will carry a love mysterious and would like to respond with the same feelings. If you simply see spilled sugar in a dream means to commence certain activities without being pushed from behind and without having to rely on the advice of others. Generally sugar dream is that you have good relationships with others and will go well especially in terms of love with the opposite sex. On the other hand sugar can predict and resolve conflict with loved ones a peaceful future with family.

You can also see the symbol and the words "sweet", "sweet" cookies ". If you dream of pliers that take sugar cubes means that it is possible to have some troubles related to a series of reckless deeds which they have committed in the past and separate sugar cubes means that your partner will not thank you all especially because you are a difficult person, and for this reason it is possible to have some much jealousy and frustration instead live a life full of wellness and spiritual fulfillment.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Dream Interpretation in flight appearing

Interpretation of Dreams in flight occurs. Flying in general, is impossible for man in real life with their own strengths, so without the help of an object, is the symbol of ascension, the desire to escape the routine of everyday worries of daily weights, so the dreamer has the required run , distraction, but are much wider interpretations, depending on the position of the flight, according to the feelings created during sleep or depending on the objects appear.


The flight also represents victory over adversity, so you get over the inconvenience of life and if you dream of a seagull in flight means that the future will avoid the trouble reserving your only joy. In Romanian interpretation of dreams is said that a dream involving flying is very good, positive, being the harbinger of a bright future, bringing honor and that the dreamer will be crowned the close, rejoicing and appreciation of the around.

Even when you dream that fly at a low height, this dream foretells good financial condition. But it also said that if you dream about flying, or just float in the air, it is a sign that not all dreams and plans they have will come true and you have to be a little more realistic. In the same vein, if you dream fly the plane, means that in the near future luck will be on your side and you see just a plane flying means that you will get updates from people you have not talked much time. If you dream of flying cranes means that you'll be helped by knowledge area in finishing an activity that you can not handle alone.

When the dream of flying is also said that you will live long and you will have a quiet life. Experts believe that when you dream about flying dream in question is part of lucid dreaming, since it expresses a conscious state that provides a feeling of good, funny, full of fun, joy, meant to relax. In the same vein, when the dream that fly easily and have a clear look on what you mean are shown as stable master your life and manage to be superior to others in some situations, having a distinct image of life in general. They say that when you master the flying dream, this ability is a strong personality, and if you fail to keep your balance means not much you are able to handle life alone you simply depend on others and try to be somewhere in between.

If your flight dream encounter obstacles mean that others stand in your way of happiness, some people you are evil, or does not have enough confidence in yourself and therefore you will not succeed. If the dream in flight feel a tremendous fear means that in real life afraid to persevere to reach place, flying human being in a dream equivalent power to be anything or anyone. Of course this can only happen in a dream, the mind playing tricks on us, but it is said that often those who dream that flies are very strong people, secure in their own power, who freely express themselves and not depend on anyone.

Flight dream can occur to people who have the power needed to speak up, to impose an activity, especially in the workplace, which is why they dream up somewhere, so the flight can be and personal frustration caused by self or others. Most dreaming that flies often are people really imaginative, creative, people who live in a different world, not the real people who are wrapped, metaphorically speaking, with a world of fairy tales, and the that great purposes in life, not necessarily financially, but who want to help society, who want to change the space in which they live. For those who really are afraid of flying, no matter what means the dream has a different interpretation and that in life namely going through a difficult situation and should be loaded with more power to succeed. If you dream that you fly to the sky, slowly, it means that you ensure more successful future, you're on your way, nothing can stand in your way and you're able to do anything without anyone to stop you.

If you're afraid to fly in a dream means that in reality you are a fearful, you are stuck in routines and activities that you impose on others and thus fail to progress. Some simplistic interpretations of the dream in flight appears limited to good deeds that the dreamer will make them harmonious relationships couple times.

Dream interpretation that appears soup

Interpretation of dreams in which appears soup. When dreaming broth or soup made with meat means that it is possible that in the near future to get sick but also that it is possible to have part of a series of problems at work. On the other hand a dish with plenty of juice in a dream may look and that really pull too much time, too much winded activity that you can finish it quickly, but prefer to waste your time in vain because you are too passive, too slow in thinking you do not know or do not want to take the initiative. Orange juice in a dream may symbolize that you will be sorry for a crime committed against someone and you try to apologize. If you dream of pea soup or eat peas with a lot of juice means that you will have some troubles but they will be solved with time and if you have more patience.


Dream interpretation that appears Painter

Interpretation of Dreams in which there is a painter. When you dream of a painter it is that you will have a long life and you will not lack anything. If you see yourself include painting means that your financial situation will improve and if your dream house paints means that you will not catch in the near future, you will have health and good physical condition.


Also painter of dream can be a reality and that we want to change something in our lives, we want to get in another setting, to address other aspects of life and inoim everything. Painter and character can symbolize the dreamer namely that it has a lot of mental power, he can do yourself a harmonious life full of abundance due to persistence of the exhibits. When you dream that you are the painter means you'll be able to fix all the conflicts we have with friends or family, or simply to people who are just not your area and who you fight. They also say that if a woman dreams freshly painted walls means you try to get back together with your partner through means not very orthodox.

Dream interpretation that you're on a farm and you are farmer or with an farmer

Interpretation of Dreams in which you're on a farm and you are farmer or with an you are farmer reflect in particular the need for personal development with or without help represent multiplication or other positive benefits.

If you dream that you are on a farm when in reality be useful to develop your skills, you can put what you value better, brighter results will follow as long as you devote efforts and constant work and your ideas.

Dream on a farm where you can actually symbolize a woman who invest a lot, farm and its properties are women and children are the benefits of farm products.


In other interpretations dream in which there is a firm announces an abundant life, a life ample and rewarding, with one exception in which the farm is deserted and dilapidated.
In other cases, dreaming up on a farm full of animals reflects a very busy social life, generally good relations with business partners or other persons who establish agreements, the dream is a sign of rising or professional life on the material plane .

Also, the dream can illustrate devotion and work for a particular purpose, reflect dedication and determination in a specific direction, showing that a soon to make a decision to proceed to work. If you have not actually a very active dream life soon signify a recovery that will include and which will enable you to develop in all areas.

It is a sign of good luck and prosperity multiple chances and help directly from others. If you dream you're a you are farmer when in fact creative nature, know the rules and the fundamental laws of human growth and development and actively get involved in such activities.

Dreaming up a farmer on a farm seed symbolizes placed in the ground, auspicious beginnings, will reflect that began under the auspices of a good in what you want to do.

If you're dreaming with a farmer is a sign that you'll have to work a lot, but in the end your efforts will be rewarded as it should. Do not expect to be given everything on your tray, nothing to be easy but if you follow the rules you will succeed.

The dream that you are a you are farmer on a farm announced in other circumstances and that will not make use of all your assets and capabilities to achieve your goals, dreams are a sign that urges you to access all the resources you do not need it spares no effort. Also when you dream you are farmer is a man of good deeds and measure that you could be you dream reflects a healthy and conservative behavior opposite the sacred laws of the land or clean business.

To dream that you are a farmer who initiates or gives advice when in real life someone will assist you in a paper, I show you the steps and the steps you need to do to reach a certain level.

Dream Interpretation where you is very warm and drink plenty of water

Interpretation of Dreams in which you is very warm and drink plenty of water reflect certain dangerous or inappropriate situations where you are trying to find solutions.

If you dream that is very warm and drink plenty of water when it is actually possible to have a state of anxiety and desperately seeking the cause or solution.

In case you did not came out a specific business or deal with someone then this dream is a sign that soon will you try to find the real reasons why a business partner betrayed you or you bailed .

Extreme heat in a dream may symbolize an embarrassing situation indispose you very much and drink plenty of water means that the efforts that you put them to clean your public image or to find the real reasons for proper that someone has soiled the image and name.


If somehow you have any dissatisfaction in real life or dissatisfaction regarding the sentimental, meaning you do not like the way the partner (a) approach your relationship, then the dream is a sign that a try to have an enlightening discussion or to realize the this situation has been reached.

The dream where you is very warm and drink plenty of water suggest that a delicate situation from afar to receive a long-awaited news that you will open a new path, a new opportunity in life. Dream in this posture symbolizes the desire and the chance to get out of a quite uncomfortable in financial terms.

Also, can also mean that your employment status is in danger and I tried hard to defend your honor and work so hard won.
Dream is very hot where you can reflect in other interpretations presence of a situation where you abused (a) someone really wants to impose your attitude or behavior that contradicts what you are or what you think. In such a depiction dream means that in real life a try at all costs to get rid of negative influence someone in the relationship or in your work. It may be that in a short time to get even open conflict with a colleague or your boss that you want to change plans or put you in a position that does not represent you.

In family might you try to get rid of the insistence of nations who want to do something.

If in fact you are married (a) dream you know that there is a possibility that the husband - wife - to force you to do things you do not like. An insistence to bother with partner (a) wants to impose life in front of you.

The dream where you is all too warm and drink plenty of water denote a fragile state of your life, a time when certain feelings are surfacing quite fragile and can devastate your existence. In this posture reflect certain sensitivities dream that you have and perseverance with which you want to hide from others.

Dream Interpretation in which you are a wizard or a witch

Interpretation of Dreams in which you are a wizard or a witch refers to situations in which you will improve tactics to achieve goals or negative feelings very destructive times, can make reference to the wise decisions that you want to put them into practice.

If you dream that you are an old wizard and you're in an old house in the desert then you give great attention to the occult side of life, one to try and achieve some objectives by means of tricks, the dream reflects a certain extent improved mental techniques . The dream that you prepare different recipes wizard and alludes to its depletion in a special purpose, feel the need to turn to something else, something unusual methods to restore your power and new possibilities.


In other news're a wizard dream may symbolize the difficulty in accepting a new situation, you will face very special circumstances that will pose serious thinking.

In other interpretations are told that this dream is a sign that you need more autonomy and freedom in your actions, you feel compelled by the circumstances to have a certain position at all convenient and desperately looking for a way to avoid new situations.

If you dream about witches then there are some situations where you dream asemenari with a wizard, only appear over other qualities and attributes, portends an adventurous life full of unexpected.

If you dream of a witch then you might like in real life to follow some news for you are not ready yet, you might come across a person who wants to deceive you, the dream can illustrate and mental abilities that you have and that you will use to other people.

The dream that you are a witch has a less pleasant side, meaning they have others fear to you, it seems that in reality some people do not really want to give your eyes some reason.

Witch in a dream symbolizes good relationships and happy communion, hidden powers and wisdom, may be a sign of severe conduct and codes of honor by which you will be organizing life or certain activities.

In other circumstances, dreaming that you're a witch may reflect the destructive force that you have on you, without you realize it or using certain abilities or powers of ignorance destroy your life or a particular activity, the dream is a sign that you need to very careful how you act in delicate situations.

If you dream cast a curse on someone else then that person will lose confidence, not before they have to have lucidity.

Sometimes dreaming that you're a witch is a very prudent behavior, in doubt about what you do or do not trust anyone close to you (a) dreste suspect that you wander.

In general situations when this dream illustrates the concern to the dark side of life, the hidden search in any situation.




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