Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Dream Interpretation tagged a boat

Interpretation of Dreams in which there is a boat. When you dream of a boat means you'll get a journey full of joy, of happiness, and a dream boat accident can be a totally unexpected way but failure in business. When you dream as you walk, travel by boat actually means that you will get more news from afar, and a freighter in the dream is that you will have great temptations which must try to overcome them.


A steamer basket also means that it will open new horizons in your life and if you dream of a boat with smoke means that you will learn something new that will surprise you pleasantly. A passenger ship in a dream is that you have many quarrels in the family and a ship of war means that you get a failure, a bad luck. If you dream of a ship full loaded means you have to go back to ancient times, good to remember the past.

To dream that you are on a boat means you take a trip that you had in a long time calculation. To dream of a boat adrift in means you get a great danger and if you dream to board a ship means more wealth. Also when you dream go by boat means you'll make a profit and a boat trip on the calm waters means that you will have more peace of mind.

If you dream go by boat to water us but are swirling means that difficulties in your life will end. To dream of a ship at sea means that you will receive good news but if a pilot boat dream means that you will have high returns in the near future. When you dream a ship arriving in port means that a phase of your life will end, be it good or bad and a boat rudder means all a trip.

A ship in a dream seen by far is the fact that your life will change in a pleasant and bad situations will end. Romanian tradition believes that when a ship can dream to get married soon and that you had access to a number of other interesting events in your life and in the Western tradition means that you will have to travel.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Dream interpretation in which there is a cabbage

Interpretation of Dreams in which there is a cabbage. When you dream prepare cabbage, cook, means that you will have good luck. If you eat cabbage dream means that you have many debts as do uncontrolled spending. Cabbage dream may also mean that the major economies do or you'll have and sauerkraut is a great joy that scale clearing up your day.


White cabbage dream can mean large and wealthy when picking cabbage dream that means you have a great inner strength. If cabbage cultivate dream means that your life will be generally pleasant dream and if you eat cabbage can also mean a period full of boredom. When the sow cabbage dream means that soon you will receive a sum of money and red cabbage dream is a love, a love that you will share, will be implizat a beautiful relationship.

When you dream about your cabbage family means you have many disagreements but they will be solved soon, and cabbage portends a house, a large family with possessions, more plentiful in the home and accomplishments. In the same vein is said that when you dream much cabbage together means that you will have many troubles, that children in the family can make you trouble.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Dream interpretation in which there is a hunting

Interpretation of Dreams in which hunting occurs. When the dream means that you have a successful hunt and a bright future. To dream of a hunting dog means you have a faithful friend or you'll get a fluke and when you dream of a hunting horn means that you will have much pleasure. To dream of a fighter who brought a lot of prey means that soon you will marry and when you dream a deer hunt means that you will have intrigue from someone you love.


A hunt rabbits in a dream foretells much trouble and worry and a pheasant hunt means that you will get high honors soon. A fox hunt symbolizes that you should not trust someone close and when you dream about a meeting forbid hunting means that you will have a business turning but will end well.

When hunting prey dream means that you will have dishonor. To dream of a falcon hunting means that a person dear to you and close you prepare a surprise that will delight greatly.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Dream Interpretation tagged Vampire

Interpretation of Dreams in which appears a vampire. When a vampire dream means that something bad will happen, totally unpleasant in your life, especially for being haunted by fears and problems. If you dream that you are bitten by a vampire means you have to attend a meeting and unpleasant for you if you're even dream vampire means you have to temper your feelings, your passions Harness, impulses, desires.


When you dream about a vampire who was killed means that you must fill of optimism as they come for you better times. If you look at the vampire dream means that you abused your all outbreaks of yourself, you do excesses, and however you will only cause unpleasant events. A vampire who sucks your blood in a dream may symbolize the fact that you can not rely on your friends because they do not help at all, more than confuse you, so that you will have difficulty in all and all in a dream and if you kill vampire you meet means you'll have more luck in love.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Dream Interpretation tagged a witch

Interpretation of Dreams in which there is a witch. When you dream of a witch means that you have trouble but if this is old means that walk after a project impossible. When you dream of a boiler used a witch means that you will ruin family relationships and if you dream that you are a witch means you get a long with gossip, while a dream is ugly witch that must be more attentive to emotional ties you enter.


At Western, usually dream witch is only bad omens, and also in Romanian tradition, but when you dream of riding a broom witch means that you have good relationships with others. If you dream as a witch help or call it, means that you have no control over your actions and that you are under the influence of scale mishaps.

Usually when you dream of a witch harm, only dream portends trouble, bad situations, you can not admit their mistakes and do not have the strength to go on. If the dream is an emphasis on love, you are very much attracted to a person and not have the power to tell, because logic tells you that the person does not deserve your love but if you dream about a witch who has financial plan, professional or intellectual means that you go through many situations disadvantage, as you put obstacles and misfortune that follows you.

It is possible that the dream was also herald a witch appears and many enemies you face the fear of the unknown, to bad situations that you can not solve without help, unable to overcome the problems of the present, especially because you blaming others and you are not able to see the evil in your eyes. They say that when you dream it appears a witch can symbolize and fear of occult forces, fear of the future to fate.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Dream Interpretation tagged vaccine

Interpretation of Dreams in which there is a vaccine. When you dream that you get a vaccine means that you manage a project that relies on your forces and your strength, you'll be very successful, and when you dream there is a person who is vaccinated means that in reality you know too much about the person but actually it is not worth your attention.


When you dream about someone you want to make a vaccine actually mean that person will be held sleeve you, will you attract attention because of something wrong to you. If you dream run of a vaccine is said to run away from responsibility and if you want to make your dream a vaccine and who means not trying to solve a problem but nobody is on your side and that depress you.

The vaccine dream, since it is a sting can suggest and that many people gossip you will embarrass you, you do much harm in the back and you consider them friends, you think you can trust them, but in the following figure out and manage to remove.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Dream Interpretation tagged eagle

Interpretation of Dreams in which there is an eagle. When you dream of an eagle means you many enemies and if you dream it sits on your nose means that you have a death in the family, while the vultures attack on your eyes in a dream means a very great danger. To dream of an eagle falls means that projects will not achieve your dream and if it is down means that your physical strength is final.
To dream of an eagle devouring its prey means that you will have happiness and luck, you will face and you win against your opponent. To dream of an eagle talking to you means that you will be received by a great man and when you dream a real eagle in the air means that you fail to make a fortune as a business you will not get what you want.


If you dream shoot an eagle means you lose some and gain an eagle in flight means, interest, victory, an eagle on the hill means you have some humility, you will be dominated, you are subordinated bad person. A claw eagle with prey in a dream means that enemies waiting to attack you, and if you dream of an eagle in the air fight means death or persecution from those older than you. When you dream of an eagle eat his food means that you have your own luck in the end and if you dream of a dead eagle means ruin.

To dream of flying like an eagle beside you and do not touch means that enemies will not be able to harm you and when you dream that you kill an eagle means that you will be fine because you manage to overcome a series of trouble. When you catch an eagle dream that means you'll be sad, you have a great offense and if you see the dream as soon as you attack it means that you will have the disease.

To dream of an eagle sits just means that someone important in your life and die a wounded eagle means that you will lose money, but if it sees fugitive means that you will enjoy prosperity. When dreaming like an eagle coming to you means that you will be unhappy because you have too many opponents and you can not win and if you dream of an eagle looking at you means you're under constant enemy.

Also an eagle in flight also means barely achieved objectives and if it flies at great heights means that your complaints are equally large. Usually if an eagle flying dream slowly and has many stops means success in your plans will be delayed.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Dream Interpretation tagged a squirrel

Interpretation of Dreams in which there is a squirrel. When you dream feed a squirrel with nuts means you participate in company events very pleasant and if you dream watch squirrels in the trees means you have to pay your debts because you are pressured by others or those in which 'd you impurmutat. Squirrel dream can represent and happiness in marriage, or that you will be blessed and beautiful children and listeners will have a life generally pleasant. They also say that squirrel dream into reality and brings pleasant news that you would enjoy.


If you dream of a squirrel means that you have a large family and if you dream of a beautiful squirrel going to win a lot of money and you will not lack anything. If you dream a squirrel steal something from you means that you will be betrayed and will marry the person who you will make interest. If you dream of a squirrel bite means that you will have problems at home and if you dream that you lose a squirrel and means that you have more trouble and you lurk in serious danger.

If you dream a squirrel jumps means that you have a beautiful marriage and if you just see it means that soon you will connect one life, so is marriage. The squirrels often dream only bring good signs in reality, they herald and harmony, peace and joy and more that you will enjoy a large family and health.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Dream Interpretation tagged vehicle

Interpretation of Dreams in which appears a vehicle. When you dream about driving a vehicle means that you will have a significant loss of money and if you dream of a salt wheel on a vehicle means that you will lose your happiness, you'll be ruined financially and you will have disbelief a person. To dream of a hand placed on a vehicle means that you will have a number of hazards but are hidden and will take you by surprise.

A vehicle in dream you can suggest and automation as an individual, that you are no longer able to think for your own actions, are influenced when making decisions, you are no longer driven by its own rationale but the herd instinct. To dream of a damaged vehicle you must have great care in real life as it may fail to face all obstacles.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Dream Interpretation tagged old

Dream Interpretation tagged old. When you dream an old house means that your health will get worse, and if a suit in state old dream means that a lot of self-determination. An old photo in a dream represents many regrets and old furniture is in fact a stable love, and when the old dream of a copper pot it is in reality means a person that you'd better get it because it has positive intentions.


An old organ in a dream represents new hope in love and when old hat dream means that you will have plenty of poverty. If you dream of an old radio means that you will have a profitable business trip and if you dream of an ancient sword mean you're too stubborn and demanding and so you should try to temper.

Usually when you dream something old, refers to the past and there are very questionable situations. To dream of an old perosana can mean that you are very outdated, old-fashioned principles of dream c ate but if old clothes means that you will have many poor, trouble, you will not descurrca all the money and all you want stand on your head for a long time.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Dream interpretation you eat cherries

Interpretation of Dreams in which you eat cherries has to do with situations and occasions very timely, dream portends good luck in almost all fields and in relationships with others.

To dream that you eat cherries in real life it means that you'll have some many accomplishments, denotes that you are on the right direction in what you do.

To dream that you eat cherry is a sign that a chance to have a business that seems not working at the moment, reflect that everything will go.

At the same time dream signifies clarify all aspects of your life intima, is said to denote visa so quiet in the house and very close and beneficial relationship.

Sometimes the dream symbolizes new beginnings, good beginnings in anything positive aspect is an action or a project that you plan to put it into practice.

The same can be said about the profession, might soon start a new job or to get a job at a new plan for one - only one - or together with others.

To dream that you eat cherry is a sign that you should have intimate happiness in your relationship, it seems that you have found the right person to congeal a very stable relationship.

If cherries are damaged means that you'll have a disappointment in love soon. Also possible, if you're in a relationship for a long time, to unravel the link between you without apparent signs that give you to understand something.

In other situations, the dream you eat cherry refers to ancient times in childhood or early youth, probably in a short time to remember specific or a chance to have a childlike attitude in a specific situation.

If you dream something might like in real life to have some regrets after days of youth or by a person who has influenced your childhood.

Also, you might like to relive some moments of youth or to make a childish gesture to someone, it may give evidence of naivety when to take a decision or to carry on a conversation.

In other cases you eat cherry dream show the possibility of earning more that a dream or get your hands on something you want it for a long time.

In other kind of dream interpretations made to clean behavior, moral, is said to have dreamed such a thing means that will be appreciated (a) of others, many people will appreciate the qualities that you have.

To dream that you eat cherry is a sign that in reality an ambition to have a specific, rather a material to give up many aspects of your life than you break certain principles. In this sense it is possible that soon to amaze anyone with an attitude of honesty and chivalry.

The dream also reflects the possibility that soon get rich, to make a large fortune in the future.

Dream Interpretation occurring in clothing

Interpretation of Dreams in robes appearing. When you dream of church vestments means that all your worries will remove your material and if you dream vestments us means that you will have a great happiness that are specific to the fact that you are not expecting. If you dream torn clothes they portend many contradictory discussions with loved ones and if you are new, the dream may symbolize and danger related to fire danger. Soiled garments also represents great distress or illness will occur in your life.

It is said that when clothing viseiz us means that you will get many gifts and surprises from someone you do not know and garments with patches means you get gossip, others speak evil of you behind your back and you do a lot worse. If you dream woman clothes means you end good projects but it is possible to have some great sadness. If you dream expensive clothes means you'll have some success in the workplace, but garments can symbolize a past that is often danger to yourself now.

The clothes dirty means you have to take better care of your health. When you dream that you buy new clothes or means that you will have new suitors, one court and you can even participate in many social activities. If you dream about getting naked means that many acquaintances will embarrass you and destroy your reputation.

Some interpreter of dreams agree that when you dream means that you change your clothes work, you'll get something better and better paid. If you dream of many clothes means that you will have a series of misfortunes and if you dream that you wear clothing with little or empty means that you'll have many surprises in the future, it will go well with money and not you will not lack anything. if you dream that you wear means that you will have ppozitive but things really matter and what you wear. Fur garments predict positive changes and many joys and earnings.

Dream Interpretation tagged ant

Dream Interpretation Tagged ant. When an ant dream that you actually portends misfortune that you have to you daily. You think no one takes into account that you're unlovable, feel neglected and left unfinished and details to make you go crazy. The ant can represent and that have a strong connection with the divine. In Roman tradition it is that you're an industrious, do you best to make them work, world pays you well, no matter how much effort you give tribute to your world. In addition, if you step on an ant dream that mistake means that you have a lot of problems, and if you dream of many ants in the house means that you will invade a bad patch in your life and you will not be able to handle alone, must resort to help other people.


When you dream that you get a tingle in the ear means it's possible to have serious problems even to die, you or someone in your family. If you dream a dream ant bites means that you will have a big trouble. If you dream of an ant carrying a dream means that you submit much effort into a project but will bring you more satisfaction. More ants dream is that you will enjoy a temptation. If you dream of many ants in the house or the clothes full of ants means that you will have some small disappointments, and if you dream of an ant struggling to something in a dream means that you will be held accountable by seul because you do not do your job properly. More ants and predict that you will have more respect and if you go in single file dream that means that you will have a project that brings money. If you dream crush ants success means that you destroy yourself if you dream that you pass in front means that you will be successful and if you dream that you look at them means that you will deceive the friends have to gain from you.

From the psychological point of view ants in a dream represents your power of endurance, but if you dream in clothing means you are a man uros irritable, you will have many neuroses, you get tired mentally and physically possible to quit consumed by certain unimportant details. If you dream that an ant is able to something much means that you will cope with stress scale, but you waste too much energy.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Dream Interpretation tagged vineyard

Dream Interpretation tagged vineyard. Although living the dream may represent strife, it portends and money and that you can find happiness after long searches. If you have a dream of living well is successful, more money, wealth, but a vine represents tears and misery.

When you dream of living hooks means that you will have great damage and if you dream that you go picking in the vineyard means that you will have joy in the family. When ripe grapes in the vineyard dream means that you will receive many words and heavy from others, and a barrel in the vineyard represents a favorable news. When you work in vivid dream means that you have a good relationship with your partner, spouse, but a vineyard health and decay means a good year and what will happen in life.

When you dream of a peasant working in the vineyard means you have to remove a number of foundations and no worries if you dream a living shell means that you will be successful in sports activities. Vines and wisdom is but the dream and damage. Arab tradition believes that the person who dreams of planting vines will get much glory and honor on his behalf and Romanian tradition believes that the dream vines can be negative and positive depending on other symbols that appear.

So an abandoned vineyard means that the future is good, if you dream that pick grapes from vines that are not baked mean that you will have bad luck for arguments with loved ones and many troubles and ripe grapes in a dream means weather will change and most likely will come a great rain. If you dream that untied branches of the vine stakes means you pati a great shame or honor you lose or you will be put in a bad situation.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Dream Interpretation tagged train

Interpretation of Dreams in which there is a train. When you dream of a train means that you get the news out, if you dream dinner train means that, in your deepest desires were not fulfilled, if you dream that you get off the train means you get an emotional crisis and when a train derailed dream that bankruptcy means for you in real life.


A speed train is the fact that you're an calm and happy and when you dream about a train leaving means that your prospects are bright and you will be successful, especially because of the ability to skillfully tackle problems in everyday life . When dreaming like a train leaving late means you do more worried about the health of a relative and a train arrives at the station means you part of a professional relationship or one very strong sentimental.

Train of dream may also mean that you should focus more like to have better results and when you dream a freight train means that no matter what problems you have in this life will be easier to solve and Support .

Dream Interpretation tagged villa

Interpretation of Dreams in which there is a villa. When you dream villa or you have a life full of extravagance in a villa means that you will make a way in a very pleasant place with distant loved ones or even your spouse. If you dream that you look at the horizon and sees a beautiful villa and it is in your face or go to it means that soon you will enjoy and own a house you can not just beautiful but will be yours and will bring you much joy.


To dream of a villa with a beautiful garden full of flowers mean you have to leave aside ego and pride because it is possible that they harm you soon in relationships with others in your plans that you made . A wonderful villa comes your dream if it is massive collapse of all hopes, that you lose hope and no plan

Dream Interpretation tagged a rose

Interpretation of Dreams in which there is a rose. When you dream of a rose means a lot of beauty and if you dream that you gather roses means that someone will do very well. If you dream of a white rose means so much happiness in marriage and couple life and when you dream about picking roses means that you have many gifts. If you dream of a beautiful white rose and it is a lot of love, purity, innocence, even a successful marriage and a blue rose means love impossible.


If you dream gather roses means that you will get aid to be trying to take advantage and when you dream that you admire roses means you fear in intimate relationships. If you dream golden roses means that you will definitely achieve and when you dream of roses thrown around the room means that you will get away or that you will have joy and if you gather dream that means you establish new romantic relationships and your business will prosper .

When you dream about buying roses mean you're a nice person and if you dream of roses means acquire great sympathy. When you dream of a yellow rose means you part of a great love and lit the passion and dream as if you pinch the thorns of a rose means that you will lose money in business.

If you dream a bouquet of roses law means that you will have many gifts and when you smell a rose dream means that you have a quiet life, love harmony, happiness and health. When you dream that provide a rose also means that you will have success and prestige in business and a wilted rose in a dream is that you will lose happiness.

To dream that you are getting a rose means love and are loved in return and when you are offered more roses mean that your love is sincere and you will be successful and good luck. To dream of a red rose symbolizes passionate love it and if you break roses dream that they are married in the near future and many favors from life.

When you dream of a rose thorns break means that you will be able to overcome poverty, you will have joy, fulfillment, and if you see roses dream that they represent peace, love, help from friends that you will receive, and if they dream roses thorns means that you are putting obstacles in love. In general the dream is much love roses are good signs and good luck, happiness, fulfillment, even if shrunken look rosy efforts, but after they will gather and joys.




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