Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Dream interpretation in which there is a widower / widow

Interpretation of Dreams in which there is a widower / widow. When a widower dream means that you will have joy, of great moments with your loved ones. If you dream of a widow means that you will have sorrow, many sorrows, maybe you lose your best friend or best friend. If you dream that you are widowed / a means that you'll have no problem, all you are doing well and you will enjoy the many achievements with your loved ones. To dream of a grieving widow, whose wife died just means that you have more trouble, you upset that you are newsworthy but if you're widowed aaturi the dream means that you will be happy with your loved ones. If you dream that marries a widower mean you have to take great care to work and do your job well because it is possible to have problems, threatening to put your service because of people who do not want to get support.


The rule is said to bring the dream widower widow brings joy but sorrow. In some traditions it is said that if a woman is widowed her dreams will come true good luck in life, will enjoy a harmonious marriage, will fulfill all your dreams and nothing will stand in the way of happiness. In other traditions say that if you dream of talking to a widower or a widow means that in reality you break a relationship with a person you care very much because of your pride or of that person. In the tradition Westerners dream in which there is a widower or a widow portends much trouble and a depressive period for the dreamer. They say that when you dream about a widower / a means that in reality you will be able to make your dreams, to, fulfill your plans and to complete all projects started well.

If you dream of as a man marries a widow means that you are given too much to do at work or by yourself you take too much responsibility and risk twisting them all. Some interpreter of dreams believe that when a widow dream means that soon you will marry or you bind a wonderful relationship with a good person who will love and respect for life. To dream that you live widowhood means that you have a life full of joy and fulfillment with more understanding with family and friends

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