Friday, December 5, 2014

Dream Interpretation tagged cattle

Interpretation of Dreams that occur in cattle. When you dream of a poor cow that is dirty and mean you have to try to work more as you reach your goals and dreams where fat cattle and clean, beautiful, means that you'll have fun very well in the company of people very nice psychologically. To dream of garbage, dirt, droppings cow means that you have many riches. If you dream of staying in grazing cattle means that your destiny will be favorable and soon you will have only susprize pleasant and nothing will sadden.


But cattle grazing can look and dream that may soon enter into a small conflict with a loved one, or to have some discussions with rural people contradictoriiu. Cattle yard that you appear in a dream represents many riches and cattle in the barn when you dream means that you will have many chances to bestow those around joy and luck will be on your side, in addition you will succeed in everything you do things only things great.

Cows eating in the dream is usually only good things in real life, you will rest much, you will have peace of relaxation, you'll lead a comfortable life, carefree. Some interpreter of dreams believe that cattle dream is that people are bad or you get sick.

To dream that you are the owner of cattle means that you have a life calm, serene. If you dream stab a cow means that you stagnate much at work and in your personal life you will relax and you will have no worries. If you dream that milk the cows means you will not care cause disease, you will have more financial gains and you will be able to collect money as you wanted.

A whole herd of cattle in a dream represents the friends you'll have for a while and if you dream that you eat the cattle means that you will have success if you dream that soon and give you milk means that you have turned on all levels , you will have much kindness, especially because you are a generous man, give evidence of tolerance and this dream may portend the fact that you have many children.
A beautiful cow dream is that you will have joy in life, you go right in all respects and if you dream a fat cow May favirabile mean time come for you, you'll end best and most prolific collaborations. A pregnant cow in a dream is that you have many good plans that will be profitable or successful as you have a child in the family.

To dream of cattle in the barn means you have peace in the family and dream of riches and if you want to gain weight a lean beef means that you will get a better job or be promoted. Generally dreams occurring in cattle are good but if you dream a roaring beef that means death, and if you dream more cows on pasture CFSP means that you get into serious debates with relatives.

When you dream of a poor cow means that you lack many things in your life and you will get tired in vain, you will not be able to do anything and you will be very tired, but poor cow manure is successful in many materials payouts. To dream of a sad cow means that you lead a modest life, lack of money but if you dream of cows in the stall means that you will enjoy beautiful relationships with those around you bind stable friendship with someone of the opposite sex and you will enjoy steadfast and faithful love, get married and you can even start a family sea.

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