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If you dream you say something good dream means that a person can achieve, and when you try to dream that interprets a dream also means that you will accomplish this (dream dream). When you dream about having a baby means a lot of prosperity in the house and if you have a nightmare dream means that you have a good financial situation. If you dream that you are a doctor means that your wealth will increase and when you dream that you have a brother means that you'll have good luck in love and business.
Usually when you dream thorns means that you fight with someone and if you dream of a new garment means that you will be fine. If you dream that you're boyfriend is a sign of pleasure and if you have a big nose dream means that you will recover property. On the other hand when Adam and Eve dream means that you have a child and if something pleasant dream means that the situation in the workplace is good. When you dream of a judge means that you get rid of a number of worries you press very hard and if you're sporting dream means that you have cheated in business.
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