Saturday, January 31, 2015

Dream Interpretation appearing in cherry

Interpretation of dreams in cherry occurring. When you eat cherry dream means that you grow old prematurely perhaps mentally, first and you'll have a beautiful life too, you will not be able to enjoy everything it can offer. This dream also represents the fact that you will not be able to keep your promise to someone once, but can also mean a minor event, either good or bad.


Sour cherries also represents that old age will not be fulfilled at all, you will have many troubles, especially because of bodily diseases, but they also symbolizes the actual pain, that you will cry more soon. If you eat sour dream means that a person you did a great promise you will not be word for objective reasons and unfortunately you will suffer, will give you all upside plans. If you dream that others eat cherry means that your life will occur in a minor accident, be it good or bad, meant to guide you somehow.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Dream interpretation in which there is a wool

Interpretation of Dreams in which there is a wool. When a piece of cotton wool dream means waiting a difficult, hard to beat, and if blood wool dream means that you receive news of great importance to the proper place.


When you dream of using wool to polish something means you paste a distress scale and if you dream that you have a package with wool means that your opinions are working opposite a good, concise, accurate, everything is clear and you manage to get well understood by everyone.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Dream Interpretation tagged spilling

Interpretation of Dreams in which the spill occurs. When you dream pour hot water means that your health is poor and need to do a consult to the doctor. If you pour cold water in a dream means you have a childish behavior and should try to behave as such and if you dream pour soup means that you will have a rich marriage. If you dream that pour salt, are more likely to cause problems in the family but if you pour milk dream that you will have the unfortunate loss, even financial or people you love.

If you dream shed blood, this dream foretells a death when you dream pour cooking oil means that you lose money. When you dream pour oil on your head or someone means that you will get a better social position than others and if you dream pour wine means that a person in whom you had confidence, you would be wrong.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Dream interpretation in which there is a / an / the number one.

Interpretation of Dreams in which there is a / an / the number one. When dreaming number one means that you will live well in society. The number one is much more complex than that, the sign of the first, as the number one is born a spirit of leaders, meant to be always first, always victorious in all competitions. It is said that when one dream figure means that you will be able to get a better paid job or a much better position, may receive a bonus for the work submitted so far, become more respected, appreciated and get more confidence and understanding. When you dream receive one grade in school means that someone put in place because you do not know too good and to know your noses.


If you dream that you get one glove instead of two to go skiing means someone you do not recognize fully the merits and wants to humiliate you and if you dream of one hand means that someone will steal the rights, will leave job or you can do everything possible to fallen. If you dream about going in one leg means that you have not taken the right path in life and have to try to fix everything that you broke up at that time.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Dream Interpretation tagged fox

Interpretation of Dreams in which there is a fox. When a fox dream means that you will be cheated in love and if you dream of a fox means that you will be persecuted, you'll lose money or secretly watched. Usually, if you see a fox, this is persecution, bushy tail if it means you are in the company of people who do not like if you dream that you are fighting with a fox means that you argue with your worst enemy and when the a tame fox dream that means you love a person who is not worthy of you.

A fox sheds dream means that you know a loved one by chance and if you dream that you kill a fox means that you will have bad luck in business, but can also mean trouble or unpleasant happenings with friends. If you receive a fox in a dream means that you have many mishaps, worry, uncertainty, are even more cunning than your enemy, and if a fox redhead dream means you have a rival in love.

When you see just a fox in a dream means that you'll find in reality a faithless friend and if you dream of chasing a fox does not trust others. Fox dream may also mean that you are wrong, women will betray you, your friends are false, and when you dream and you're going to hunt foxes means that in the near future someone will invite beautiful parties.

It is said that the fox is usually negative symbols in dreams, but matters a lot and the rest of the images that appear, even if the fox is cunning, the abomination, the lies, the deceit. If a woman or a girl dreams of a fox says that someone is following in secret and that person is not too good with her thoughts.

Fox appears in the dream of a woman is the fact that it has a rival in love and if you dream of a fox barking mean you have to go, to find another way you because there you paste misfortune and danger.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Dream interpretation that there is a wasp

Interpretation of Dreams in which there is a hornet. When a wasp dream means that you will have a job in vain, you'll make an effort to no avail, and if you dream of a hornet's nest means that you will lose something important to you. If you dream that rids a wasp means that you break up with someone you love in an unexpected way and if a swarm of wasps dream means family, your home is protected from worry.

When you dream that wasps sting means that you will have disappointment and if you dream that prowl mean you have to know how to defend your interests. When you dream that you kill wasps means that you will have happiness and if they are few means that you will have many concerns about your home. Wasps flying in a dream represents many harsh words that you will get a trouble in vain, and if you see them simply means that you will have bad enemies.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Dream Interpretation tagged news

Dream Interpretation tagged news. When you dream that you receive good news means that you paste a sea sickness, you will have unfulfilled, especially if you dream that you get news from a man. They also say that if you dream that you get good news when it's possible to have some luck and if you dream that you receive bad news in reality you will have some disappointments.


To dream that you receive good news means that they do not manage to achieve what you wanted and if you dream that you enjoy hard news means that you have health problems. If you dream receive news from a man means you will not succeed in life and you realize when you dream about someone go means that news finally manage to overcome all the difficulties that you have for a long time. If you dream that you get great news means that you will enjoy very much and you will enjoy for a specific offense but this cintext only possible if you get news from a man I know in a dream.

If you dream bad news, you defile means that you have a great misfortune and when you dream means great news will pass all sorrows. If you dream of good news is called in some traditions that you will have some big upsets, it is possible to lose someone and be in mortal danger. An old news that currently receive dream is more unclean thoughts, many worries, you must guard because it is possible that many have the desire to hurt you.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Dream Interpretation tagged venom

Dream Interpretation tagged venom. When venom dream means that you get a death, many people who want to harm you, and if you throw venom dream that means success in life on all levels. Also if you dream about someone you know venom means envy for someone, you ugly feelings hidden. If you dream that you care venom in bottle means that many are known to harm you and you expect a big trouble.


If you take poison dream means that someone will humiliate or demean you alone in public, or simply standing because of occult practices ridiculous and bizarre. Some interpreter of dreams agree that when you dream venom means that you have more to lose, especially in financial terms, which will be caused by an acquaintance much you care and think you is faithful, and that means you have take care and do not trust all grant. To dream that you are trying to get better after you got venom means that you will be able to overcome all the difficulties ins ie if you peseverent and if you prove diplomacy and calm.

In most cases the venom of the dream show signs of serious illness, perhaps by death but when you dream that you take means that you have good days, carefree, but if you have it in hand in a dream means that you scold with others, and if you drink poison dream means that you have a very sad, depressed. When you dream that use venom to something means that you offer help to someone, you protect someone and you will give good advice and if you eat poison dream means that you will have happiness.

When you dream you die because you got venom mean you have to try to be more rational, do not let yourself be led by feelings and little skeptical regarding appearances, because you're wrong and you may have many lost in those starts. To dream that you look at someone like venom out, as you plant means that someone follows you in secret and wants to harm you. If you dream swallow poison means you will generally be better in life and you will not have disease problems. And when you dream you take poison and die because of it means someone will give you some ideas that will lead you astray and will do more harm in life.

And in other traditions such as Persian is said venom appears dreams are ominous of evil, since it is to have only part of misfortune and hardship, nothing goes well and you'll have more losses and others will not give you any help.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Dream Interpretation tagged veil

Interpretation of Dreams in which there is a veil. When you dream a veil sitting on your face or someone else, it means that you have a special need or that hide something to a man. The dream may symbolize a series of family secrets that are related to you. If you dream of a woman face veil means you participate in a marriage or you get married and if a veil broken dream means that you are a secret, a secret.

To dream that you have placed a veil on face reality means that you will have special needs, maybe hiding something your partner's life or not you want to be known by everyone, keep your intimate wool away from the world. If you dream that others face veil means that your family or loved ones, friends keep a secret from you and will not make you suffer. To dream of a woman with veil on face means that if you crown and veil is broken dream means that you are a secret and occult be nothing to you, all things are given your face.

The veil of the dream is the fact that you're an internalized and keep some feelings away from loved ones, prefer to be distant and cold than to let everyone know how you feel. If you dream of a veil also means that hide much of their loved ones, maybe you have an ugly past and do not want those around you to your current friends know it or simply do not like you confess.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Dream Interpretation tagged "vomit"

Dream Interpretation tagged "vomit". When dreaming person vomit or vomit you who dream, it means that you will be successful on the job, a promotion or possibly more money and good luck in the family, achievements, harmony and understanding in a relationship.


To dream but that means you vomit blood seriously ill or someone in your family will get sick, bringing with him his dream even death for a loved one. To dream that someone can throw over and says that you download to a person all the energy, it is possible to tell all your secrets or because you definitely tell that person what bothers the character.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Dream Interpretation occurring in sticks

Interpretation of Dreams that occur sticks. When dry brushwood dream means that you will have poverty and whether they are green means that you will have joy, happiness, all will go well in your life and you will enjoy harmony and understanding family.


When you cling to the dream that mistake when trecii some sticks near a tree in reality means that someone will point out one thing you forgot to do it or not do it well. If you dream that you step on dry twigs means that you are not too sure on the decisions we have taken and it is possible that precisely because of this uncertainty was wrong or of bad luck.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Dream Interpretation tagged "sell"

Dream Interpretation tagged 'sell'. When gold dream means theft, stolen or you'll be tempted to steal. To dream that sell meat counter prestige means that you will be spoiled, Narc, you will have much contempt and if you sell velvet dream that really mean you're hopeless and very lazy. To dream that sell coral means that you are a weak and must learn to be more powerful and when you dream about selling a home means that you will have financial or emotional loss.


When you dream that sell a medicine, a medicine means that you will have in monetary gain. To dream that sell a range means that you have great power of work and if you dream that sell grafts means that you have family problems. To dream that sell games in store means you fool yourself thinking that someone loves you. If you dream of selling drugs means that you will be caught in illicit affairs and medicines means that you will have financial gains.

To dream that sell a motorcycle means that you will recover some money and when you dream that sell barley means that you will have some more fussy meetings. When you dream that sell bread means that you engage in a large organization. To dream that you sell something on credit means you are insecure and lacking self-confidence. To dream that sell a gem in reality means that you will suffer a loss.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Dream Interpretation tagged a sparrow

Interpretation of Dreams in which there is a sparrow. When a sparrow dream means that you will have tears, death, evil in general and if you dream catch sparrows means that you will have many friends and love. Usually if you dream sparrows they can be false friends around you that you are evil and if you see flying means you will have to deposit more effort to achieve the desired results.

If you dream of many sparrows is also said that you will have many heated discussions in the family, and if they catch you dream means that you tie a beautiful friendship with a good person. If you dreamed sparrows chirp means someone who speaks evil of you back, but you manage to overcome difficulties. If you dream of staying in the nest sparrows means you need to be advised and guided, you want someone to protect you. If you dream of sparrows in flock means someone watching you from the shadows, and you will have to deposit a lot of effort to get good results and eventually the luck will be on your side. More sparrows restless dream is that you have a big loss.

If you dream house sparrows receive means that you will find a loved one that did not even dream that you expect and if you look at them means that you have trouble and strife in the home. It is said that when dreaming by two sparrows sitting together means that someone will make a declaration of love, you'll knock a beautiful relationship and you feel fulfilled. Sparrows flying dream is that you do it yourself and if you dream in vain illusions sparrows in the city means that you worry a lot to relationships in the house, but you fight with your loved ones and you have money problems, ulte damage and misery.

Some interpreter of dreams agree that when you dream you dream means you have many friends sparrows good, sincere, that you appreciate and respect you. In some traditions say that when sparrows dream means that you will have many troubles, you'll cry, but because it's possible to lose a loved one in favor of death. If you dream run after you catch sparrows and sincere friends and means you may find true love,, and which to keep for life. Most times if you sparrows appear in dreams should not scare you because they portend strong and true friendships and great effort but with delayed results. Romanian people believes however that dream sparrows bring with much sadness and death and if you catch a single sparrow dream that means you'll be very happy with a person that will be devoted girlfriend.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Dream Interpretation Tagged "walk"

Dream Interpretation Tagged "walk". When you dream means that you walk drunk and threatening disease if you dream that you walk bareheaded means that you manage to acquire a transient benefit. On the other hand, if you dream that you walk over there - there, elsewhere, means that you will be wrong and if you dream that you walk with a candle in hand means that you take a trip or you have loaded a spiritual life.


When you walk barefoot dream that means you'll be depleted, you will live in misery, or is a sign of leprosy. If you dream horse walk after loss means that you have a family and if you dream that you walk a dog or by a dog, it means that your enemies will be removed. If you dream walk after chickens means that you will get news late or you have an heir and if pursuing a dream that person means you will not be able to get gains often results in a particular situation.

To dream that you walk by a pig means that the disease will bypass and when you dream that cows walk by means of good friends in the family. If you dream that you walk beetles on the body means that you will have trouble in love and family and if you dream of walking in shirt means that you will lose honor.

When you walk through the courtyard dream that means that you will damage enemies and you dream that you walk in the garden means that you make plans unnecessary. If you dream walk in white robes mean that you will gain more wisdom and if you dream a dream that servant walks in white clothes is much better. But if someone who occupies a leading position in white clothes walking in a dream means it will be bad. If you dream of walking in sleep means that you will miss weights and then walk quietly dream that means that you will have good luck.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Dream interpretation that there is a uniform

Interpretation of Dreams in which there is a uniform. When you dream of a uniform means that you will have great opportunities in life and in all the activities they initiated and if you have a uniform dream really means that you will get confused news. When you dream soldier uniform means you are or will be in good relations with all those around you and if you dream of a soldier's uniform is not complete means you get a lot of complaints.


When you dream a soldier's uniform means you conclude important business and if you dream of a dress uniform means that you will receive good news. On the other hand there is a uniform dream represents celebrity, fame, and if you see it simply means that you will have adventures.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Dream Interpretation tagged wet

Dream interpretation tagged wet. When the clay wet dream means that your feelings will be hurt, your interests will be affected, and if you dream wet clay coal means that you have many worries, you have many worries and something does not give you peace, must what you realize that you can solve.


Hay wet dream means that you should expect to much trouble and when a cave wet dream means that you paste a hazard. A moist forest means you are a strange man, too out of the normal patterns if you have watery eyes dream means that someone will make you suffer and maybe you will cry and if you mouth wet dream means you have a lot to say but you are not given the chance.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Dream interpretation in which there is a rod

Interpretation of Dreams in which there is a rod. When you dream of a rod means you many enemies, some people want to harm you at work, but you do not look all that are hidden, they defame you, and also pay attention to health, not bad control routine medical doctor or even a more thorough.


If you own a fishing rod in a dream means that you do only good things that will be helpful, your actions will also be much help for others and of course will be rewarded and where the dream is good rod shows well, even new, means you will have more success in projects at work. When a rod old dream means that you have to guard the knowledge that you are not so close as it is possible that they are crafty you will want to harm you much and they have only won.

If you want to fish with a fishing rod or a fishing pole hook something in reality means that you'll be able to reach a goal, a plan to implinetsi you that you hoped for a long time. If you dream rod share with someone means that you've reached your goal with the help of other people and not their own. If you dream of breaking rod means giving up just when you're about to, fulfill a dream, because you are too exhausted and no longer cope with stress, drown the shore.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Dream interpretation in which there is a viper

Interpretation of Dreams in which there is a viper. When a viper dream means that you paste a great danger, but if you're worthy means you can overcome this danger and especially if you give little attention to your actions and not act without a head. Usually dreams that occur vipers, snakes or any other danger is crawling, you will overcome enemies, and if you dream that you are attacked by a viper means that you will be cheated by more cunning.


To dream of sleeping vipers that means you have friends you can trust, but if you wake up in a dream means that they are malevolent, hidden and beautiful snakes dream means that if your mind is in danger. When you dream that you fly vipers means that you will lose money and if you lose it means that you will be able to free yourself from a situation worse. When you dream of a viper killed means that enemies can not reach you and if you dream that simply look at an adder means that your enemies are hiding well.




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