Saturday, February 28, 2015

Dream Interpretation tagged tractor

Interpretation of Dreams in which appears a tractor. When a tractor dream means that all will go well and if you dream that you drive means you will have insecurities in life, anything that you do not satisfy you, because you have little accomplishments.


When you dream that go with the tractor means you trouble in love, many difficulties, you argue with your loved one, someone apart relationship or not feel anything at / the one you were before and it's time to drop the . The tractor may symbolize the fact that you fail to do anything that you intend individually and must try to turn to external forces, the more people you stronger and more influential.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Dream Interpretation tagged "cross"

Dream Interpretation tagged "cross". When you dream about something it usually means trouble crossing but if you dream that a ship crossing the sea means that you have a very difficult and introverted personality. Usually "cross" in a dream means in real life, obstacles, dangers, difficulties, and if you dream railroad crossing mean you have to be more careful and tempered with friends.


To dream that cross the lake with a boat means you are esteemed by important people and when you dream about crossing a street means that you are putting obstacles. If you dream about swimming across the river means that many will fulfill your hopes and dreams as if going through a plain means that you will have welfare, quiet lot.

If you dream pass an exam means you are disciplined and you have to win and when you dream that crossed the border, the border means that your emotional side will not bring you any good in life. If you dream that means you get through the maze part of spiritual and bodily pain and when crossing a swamp dream that means you will wait very bitter days.

When you dream it crosses a cloud in the sky means waiting a hectic period, if you dream that you pass a bridge means that you get the honor and confidence and if you dream that pass through the gate means that you move into a new house . When you dream tram crossing means that you will lose money and if you dream that pass a test means that you have many good ideas for your future and you're a person full of ambitions.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Dream Interpretation Tagged "climb"

Dream Interpretation Tagged "climb". When you dream about climbing is a very good sign and if you see a rider climb symbolizes progress. If you dream that someone arduous climb means that you will have the pessimism in life and if you see someone in a dream to climb the chair means you'll be rid of enemies. When you dream of someone who climbs at a university department means that you will receive honors and if you see a climbing rope means you part of social danger.

If you dream that quickly climb a hill means you part of success in business and if you dream that you climb a hill means that your hopes will be fulfilled. If you dream climb into a crowded bus means that you will have great contacts with others in society and if you dream about getting on a balloon means that you have many pleasant meetings. To dream that you climb aboard a boat means you'll receive a blessing and you will have a material profit.


When you climb a mountain dream that means you worries and fears in business and if you dream about a blind climb a means of transport means that you will be promoted at work, you will have a triumph. To dream that you climb on a shaky ladder means that you will have a great offense and when you dream that you climb the pyramid means you are a man of strong will and trust in your forces.

If you dream to climb a wall without hurting yourself means that you will have success in business and when you dream that you push to climb somewhere and fail means that you will have useless in daily life. When you dream that you get a scaffold platform means that you are an honest man and if you dream that you climb a cliff means that your wishes will be fulfilled.

If you see yourself climbing somewhere means that you're an optimist and trust in the future and if you dream that you climb the steps means that you have a major success in the workplace. When you dream climb easily and quickly means you part of a highly successful, you may be promoted very much, and if you get on a sidewalk dream that means you have confidence in your forces and you will be conditional on improving the professional level.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Dream Interpretation tagged butter

Dream Interpretation Tagged butter. When butter dream means that you get a nice benefit or a birth in the family, possibly a baby. If you dream of butter means that you will have many guests comfort and it receives with joy in your house and if you dream that beat butter also means that a child will be born in your family. To dream of butter in the pan means you have a good health when dreaming butter spread on bread means that people have to use your business to go well but this is not quite correct.


To dream that you eat butter means that you will have a pleasant surprise and if you dream of butter and you're in love means that you have many quarrels and complaints, but which will be solved. If you see oil simply means that you have many concerns and therefore will inspire compassion for others.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Dream Interpretation tagged uncle

Dream Interpretation tagged uncle. When you dream that you kill an uncle means that you will get a large amount of money that will help you pay off debts accumulated before. If you dream of an old uncle means you'll have more luck in life and loved ones will sustain you and give you good advice. If you dream of a young uncle means let yourself influenced by wrong if you dream that your uncle dies you do not have it means you'll get a great joy in the family, is said to you dies river house. If you dream that your uncle is sick means that in reality will get very good health.

If you dream go with older uncle on the road means you need good advice and you should receive them from those with more experience than you. If you dream that you get money from your uncle and you are very happy means that in reality will have to work harder than you reach your goals, but eventually you will succeed.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Dream Interpretation tagged humiliation

Dream Interpretation tagged humility. When you dream that you are humiliated means you have to have great care not to make the head with others, do not be obtuse, do not look superior to anyone, try to know your noses and do not give much for achievements your. When you dream that you are humiliated is also said that someone will make your place, you're hurting, you ugly speaks rightly or not, but we take care to embarrass you in front of others.


To dream that you humiliate someone means that you wear ugly reality of wrong and injustice committed against a sensitive man, you should be more careful how you express yourself and how you act. If you dream that you stand in front of someone and agree to be humiliated means that you admit mistakes and want to apologize or accept your punishment without commenting anything. If you dream that you are humiliated and upset you really mean that someone falsely accused and defense until you take you improve your image and you do not see bad people around.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Dream Interpretation tagged "forgetting" / to look

Dream Interpretation tagged "forgetting" / to look. When you dream look luggage somewhere you mean you're unsure or in a particular situation and if you look at someone foreign to you means that you will get new opportunities in a previous project that you failed. To dream that you look at a card game means that you will have big arguments with friends and if you look in the mirror dream that means you get married in the near future. When you look down you dream means not very interested in what is happening around you or just have an air of superiority, concerns all up and you think no one can rise to your level.


When you dream you want to say something and forget what you meant in reality means that you are a man without character, you do not really care about what happens around you, it is possible to have some more cunning precisely because no you pay attention to what others do, let yourself driven by stronger and you're not persistent, do not like to fight for you, you have no big dreams and ideals.

If you dream that you look at a field spread means that you feel the need to be free to express yourself the way you want, to have its own principles hinder yourself without anyone to be independent and not drive yourself after any outside rule you. If you look at the big dream that means you're a dreamer, romantic and plinc love, you love to help but the more you love to dream, to live in a fantasy world.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Dream Interpretation tagged umbrella

Dream Interpretation tagged umbrella. When you dream you carry an umbrella on rainy means that you will have a series of changes for the worse, but it can symbolize protection and good, even if you do not generally life is going well. Umbrella also represents high returns soon benefit if you dream that you have, in financial terms it will go very well, and if you dream that you are buying an umbrella means that you have financial difficulties.


If you dream of an umbrella in hand means you have to make use of friends and an umbrella if you dream that means that you have a great meeting. A silk umbrella in a dream represents a person that appears in vase life and an open umbrella means you have to ask for help so you can get over a bad situation, negative.

When you open an umbrella dream that means you're an adaptable, sociable and your mind is very practical and a parasol if you dream means that you will find the support and protection you need. A closed umbrella in a dream means that you must fill optimism because eventually you'll get out of negative situations and if you dream that a close means that you have to trust in a person nearby as you want only good.

To dream of an umbrella turned mean that the situation will change going through and if you dream that occur rain umbrella means that you will get protection, you will have a lot of success and misfortune will stay away from you. When an umbrella lost dream means abandoning a situation where you are and if you dream that you lose an umbrella means that you have a problem at work.

If you dream fix an umbrella means that you will have protection in eliminating difficulties, or you manage to run the adversity of life, and if you dream a broken umbrella means you get mad, and if it is broken dream can symbolize and great dangers. To dream of many umbrellas mean you have to beware of envious people.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Dream interpretation in which there is a unicorn

Interpretation of Dreams in which there is a unicorn. The unicorn is a symbol of magic, fantasy world of which means that when you dream of a unicorn's possible to have very successful on the plan of creation, you will not miss inventiveness, to be full of ideas and excel in art and if you're lucky industry to work in each other it will be very successful and will be highly appreciated.

If you feed a unicorn dream that means you have nowhere to breathe, and receive much affection, and able to give you much love and those who know you are very proud to have you around and grateful to the moment in which help them. If you dream that you are riding a unicorn means that you will have a lot of respect, if you dream that you find in the forest means that you will meet a man that will amaze your qualities formidable.

From the psychological standpoint, the unicorn dream car look like it is a man imaginative dreamer, not too guided by the principles of reality, reason for it is outside the horizon of knowledge, but otherwise very sensitive with a great soul in the state to give everything a passionate spirit and elegant presence downright shocking intended to show those around even magic can exist on earth you walk on feet daily. Unicorn Dream also has meant to foreshadow a good deed that you do a good deed or to be made by someone for you.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Dream Interpretation tagged a pitcher

Interpretation of Dreams in which there is a pitcher. When you dream as a pitcher or pour water from a pitcher means you'll be able to get rid of financial worries as soon earn more money and not go any concerns. If you dream that you break a pitcher means that you have a number of medical problems toes or break also said that you go really bad luck and a good period of time, it is possible to know the shameful poverty. When you dream that fix a pitcher means you go to a party where there will be many drinks. If you dream drink wine from the jug means that you will be well in the near future, you'll have fun and you will not lack for friends and affection. A jug painted in a dream means that you are a very inventive and like to create.


When you dream pitcher eye (disease) means you need to take better care of people with increases see, it's possible to pay attention to exactly those who do not deserve and to misjudge those who deserve your affection. If you dream of pitcher eye is called're not able to see what is important, judging on appearances and only let yourself run by the mouth of others, the general opinion, you are not able to draw their own conclusions about something ie, are practically blindfolded but voluntary, and everything coming from an excess of laziness.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Dream Interpretation tagged one shoulder

Interpretation of Dreams in which there is a shoulder. When you dream one shoulder means you some doubt about something, on a situation and if the dream is big shoulder, wide, means good health and success. If the shoulder is frail, weak, means you'll get a disease. When you dream that support the shoulder of a person means that in reality seek help to get support from a delicate situation, you want to be guided and advised to get rid of trouble or you just want a shoulder to you can complain in case of failure, you are looking for a person with unconditionally.


When you dream big shoulders means that in reality are based man in the group of friends, all you require advice and you see it as the smartest, most experienced and you help them with the greatest pleasure, and if you dream shoulders of small means that no one can count on you because you are too selfish and conceited, do not like to give, but to have favors from others. When you dream that someone is offering his shoulder to lean means you meet a good person, older than you that will help you make the right decisions in life and show you the right way when you think you're confused and not you have no way out of the impasse.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Interpreting dreams tagged 'kill'

Dream Interpretation tagged 'kill'. When you kill a man dream that really means that you will have more success in business and if you're the dream killed in real life means that you will have many losses. Usually kill the dream is really only signs of joy, of happiness, but if you dream about someone killing someone means that you will have indignation.


To dream means animals killed wish to join an unpleasant activities, malevolent. And if you dream of a deer killed actually means that you will have an end. Usually when a colonel killed it symbolizes the dream plot, scheming against you and if you dream that you kill someone with your hand means that you have just entered a favorable period. To dream that you kill someone means that you will have sorrow, of dissatisfaction, many spiritual turmoil and killed a man when you dream means that you will have a long life.

To dream that you kill a cow means that you have shortcomings. To dream that you are killed means that you will have a long life. To dream of a wolf killed means waiting an instant hit and killed when a huge dream means that you manage to overcome your prejudices. To dream of a viper killed means you will not fall prey to killers, enemies.

Dream Interpretation tagged oil

Dream interpretation tagged oil. When oil dream means you can not stay away from a loss. If you see oil burning means that you should try to make savings and when you dream sunflower oil means more prosperity. If you dream of cooking oil you pour it means that you will have money and oil loss in the dream is only good signs.


If you dream olive oil also means that you will have good things to work and when you dream of working with oil means that you will have big trouble. If you dream means good health used oil and dirty oil and stain more means you did something to make your fortune through a large-scale scams.

When an oil painting dream means that you will have difficulties and if you dream that you escaped on foot oil means that you managed to escape and trouble. On the other hand breaking a jar of oil also means a great misfortune and if you dream of oil spilled on someone's head above means that you will be put into operation, higher than those around you.

Vegetable oil is joy. Even if the oil is generally a good sign in a dream, when you use any oil in the dream, is only bad omens, but only for people who usually do not use oil in real life, such as women who cook, painters who use oil colors or kitchens of restaurants.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Dream Interpretation tagged a / a bad / ugly

Interpretation of Dreams in which there is a / an ugly / bad. When a cloth ugly dream means that you have many fears, uncertainty and if a girl ugly dream means you made some very bad choices. An ugly face and worry can mean when you dream big and a brother who misbehaves means that your luck is coming, and a bad hand means that you will have dissatisfaction. An ugly landscape means you'll be disappointed in emotionally and when you dream a bad witch means that emotional connection that you have not just for you, you're kidding yourself as well but eventually you realize that must drop the. When you dream that you get bad news really means that you will have many surprises that can take you to the first snap and do not know how to react but eventually you realize how beneficial they are to you.

When you dream of a really ugly face means that you are afraid not to grow old, do not want to change, you're too scared by time and you can not conceive of life without beauty. So show your subconscious during the night and another variant yours. Most women often have little concern for their beauty and who are afraid of old age is bad dreams because they are aware that at some point there will still arrive.

If you have a child bad dream means that you give birth to a child of obligation, not love, I'll keep telling you that so that others need. If you dream of a husband hated it means that you will not marry for love but for money and therefore will never know true love. When you dream of ugly clothes means you have a very bad character and should try to change yourself if you want to still have friends as possible to remain single because of you. If you dream of a house ugly mean you have to try to take care of yourself more on the outside, to be more careful with the way you look as if you do not cares enough to reach might be disliked.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Dream interpretation that appears elm

Interpretation of Dreams in which there is an elm. When an elm dream it is usually much strife, envy, and a leafy elm means that you will lose money in a project that fell you all postponed because you know it will not work but with the completion of give and failure.


An elm uprooted means you'll be able to progress to give some ugly quarrels in the family or group knowledge, friends, especially because you are in a very stressful and you're confused, irritable, you can not do anything against surrender get revenge on others although you are aware that it is not the best solution.

An elm leaf is without enemies, hatred of someone in your entourage, perhaps to a very good friend to see that he may have more without working so fiercely as you, gets help and people who take him on track and you have to bother himself to give head all worldly evils.

Dream Interpretation tagged apprenticeship

Interpretation of Dreams in which there is an apprenticeship. When you dream apprenticeship, specifically if you dream that you are an apprentice and learn a new job for you, it means that you have luck in love and business and social life. To dream of an apprentice working for you means that you only get a good opportunity, how to make money. If you dream that you are a disciple is also said that you have to start to learn more in your job because you think you know it all but you have to look more experienced and more.

If you dream that you are a disciple is called and it's time to get ready for something new in your life, full of adventure, maybe going to start new activities or can you meet new people, you learn many things, it shows a lifestyle and other forms as you mature man deschizanu your horizons. To dream that you are under the tutelage of a disciple means that you will find an innocent man in your life that you need to take care which will give you lots of affection.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Dream Interpretation tagged shadow

Interpretation of Dreams in which appears a shadow. When a shadow dream means that you will find a protector and if you have a large shadow dream means that someone important will help, will give special support will help you progress and get where you do not even have dreamed , if you do not have shadow dream means doing nothing to help, that everything you have accomplished so far is tiny, unimportant and no little value bother in vain just because you have not chosen right path in life and nothing you do not do it with pleasure.


To dream that you have a little shadow that means you and accomplishments small and if you have a large shadow dream means that you will soon have more material and spiritual fulfillment that will propel a higher position on the social ladder.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Dream Interpretation tagged swollen

Dream Interpretation tagged swollen. When you dream you're bloated means that you have a high gain, but if you dream that your arm is swollen means that you have a series of talks about a legacy. A cement inflated dream means you get a long-term condition. When the human body swollen dream means that you will gain more power and if you dream of a swollen elbow means you conceive an affection for a loved one.

A swollen knee means that all the projects you are in danger, it is possible to go wrong, so be careful. To dream of a turkey that inflate means you make great effort to get rid of puffy eyes trouble and if you dream it means illness. Usually a bulge in a dream means that you will not worry about a legacy for hereditary.




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