Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Dream Interpretation tagged lard

Dream Interpretation tagged lard. When the dream means that you bind friendships lard large and lasting friends, you know people who help and advise you in everything you do. If you dream that you're fat means that you realize that you have to be sweeter more gentle with others because you have more to gain than when you're hard and cold. To dream of using lard instead of oil for food means that you get very sick because of improper diet but if you head on your shoulders and do not scare easily solved.

photo: thekitchn.co

When you give someone dreaming lard means he wants to get faster and more in your soul wants to catsige your sympathy. To dream that you are trying to get rid of fat or lard to remove stains on clothes you really mean to leave behind some feelings of love that does not have sense, you want to look someone in your life to remove some facts, to leave behind something that you never meet you or not is of no use. When you cook with lard dream that they say and that you will make a lot of new knowledge from which you will learn and what you will do a mutual exchange of knowledge.

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